IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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We are standing at the early dawn of a developed world, so most residents believe technology and science's vital purpose should be to develop people's quality of life. This essay will present some reasons why I am convin
Over the years the improvement of living people depends on science. I agree with this statement and I will explain it in detail in this essay.
Some people consider that science is a tool that should force on qualities of individuals' life. I completely agree that.
It is widely accepted that there can be several purposes of science. However, I strongly agree that enhancing people's lives should be the foremost priority. In this essay, I will shed light on those reasons and explain
Human well-being has always been a crucial principle. It is believed that the most important purpose of science should be boosting human life quality. I strongly agree with this idea but some ethical considerations shoul
Nowadays, the progress of science is undeniable, so the community expect these developments to make life easy and convenient for them. Overall, I completely agree with this view for many reasons the most important is p
There is going debate in our society that science has to be used in improving human life. Personally, I agree with this statement to some extent that I will describe below.
It is undeniable that scientific knowledges are the most vital for worldwide citizens in the world, and many people believe that particular science should be enhancement of human lives. I personally agree with this state
Many people said that the most essential goal of science is to provide better life for the people. I couldn't agree more with the statement. Inventions based on improving people's live will last longer unlike the others
The ultimate objective of scientific development has been at the center of many ongoing debates
Many individuals hold the view that the most vital role of science is to improve the living standard. This writer utterly concurs with the notion, because of the invention of medications as well as the appearance of rene
It is argued by some that the most essential goal of science should be to improve individual’s lives. I completely agree with this opinion and in this essay, I will state the reasons for my view.
Improving people’s lives is always a controversial problem. There is a belief that the purpose of science is to develop the human’s life. The writer of this essay agrees with this notion that it not only reduces wasting
Nowadays, technological advancement has a direct influence on our lives, some believe that, scientific breakthroughs must raise people’s life quality. I agree with this statement to some extent, but we should consider th
Nowadays, the technology advancement has direct influence on our lives, some believe that, the science breakthrough must rais people’s life quality. I agree with this statement to some extent, but we should consider that
In this day and age, It is widely believed that the primary goal of science is to enhance the quality of human life. The writer of this essay agrees with this notion due to bringing convenience to housework and providing
It is widely believed that the primary goal of science is to enhance the quality of human life. The writer of this essay agrees with this notion due to bringing convenience in housework and providing modern means of tran
It is argued that the ultimate purpose of science must lead to improve people's lives. I completely agree with this statement because everyone uses GPS on their mobile phones to navigate unknown locations and advanced in
Many believe that the overarching objective of science should undeniably be the improvement of people's lives. I wholeheartedly concur with this notion, as science has the power to revolutionize society, address pressing
The primary aim of science should be to improve people's lives. While this is a commendable goal, I believe that the value of science lies in the pursuit of knowledge itself, which can lead to broader benefits for humani
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