The given table indicates to the number of passengers who traveled by underground train yearly in 6 different cities include London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, Los Angeles, in addition to the distance that eac
The table shows information about the Underground railway systems in six different cities. It compares the six networks in terms of their age , size and the number of people who use them each year.
The railway systems in six regencies are illustrated through the table. London was the city with the longest route and oldest station, while Tokyo was the most crowed station compared to other cities.
The table chart illustrates the information about underground railway systems. The data is available for six main cities with date opened and counted in millions of passenger.
The given table compares the opened date, route length, and total passengers per year of underground railway systems in several cities. From general overview, it is obvious that London is the first city that opened the s
The table illustrates data of six important cities over the world, which are London, Paris, Tokyo,Washington DC ,Kyoto and Los Angeles, which provide underground transportaion systems .This data is being compared throug
The chart gives information about the number of passengers per year (measured in millions) of Underground Railways Systems in 6 big cities in the world, located in 2 cities in Asia, America, Europe continental, respectiv
The given table provides information about the underground railway systems (date opened, kilometres of route, and passenger per year) in six different cities (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles).
The provided table illustrates the underground railway systems namely date opened, kilometres of route and passengers per year in six different cities (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, Los Angeles). Overall, r
The table provides underground railway systems information in six different cities based on the date opened, kilometres of route, and passengers per year (in millions). Overall, Washington DC has the highest route develo
The table depicts the system of underground railway in three categories namely, date opened, kilometers of route, and annual passengers in millions, in six different cities. Overall, the oldest railway is in London and t
The given table illustrates the systems of underground railway in six different cities (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, Los Angeles) which measured by opening date, route (in kilometres), and passengers per y
The given table compares the underground railway systems in six major cities measured in the annual number of passengers. The data supported with the route established in and the length of each. Overall, the three oldest
The table illustrates the information about how underground railway is being constructed in six different cities. Overall, it can be clearly seen in this chart that London was the oldest city to date opening and also th