IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Most of the business is concentrating on making profits and they do not have to take any public responsibilities. This essay will disagree with the given statement.
Some people think that the greatest importance of businesses is generating profits, and it is not necessary for them to have public duty. In my opinion, I completely disagree.
While accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that the business generates profits and they do not use public responsibilities. From my perspective, I agree with this view and this essay will addres
Some corporations of businesses are generating profits, and they do not need to have social responsibilities. This writer disagrees with this statement and will outline the main reasons why in the following essay.
It is said by some individuals that it is no need to have social responsibilities for top priority of businesses. I disagree with the idea that they won't have to do anything for society other than make money.
It is often said that the businesses have to priority to make money, so they didn't have reponsibilities with the public. While I accept that this perception is some what justifiable, but I believe it will better if it w
It is often said that businesses make an effort to generate profits while they do not need to have public responsibilities. I completely agree with this notion that we should be solve socio-economic problems and should n
many inviduals think that businesses want to make money with the top prioritiy. however, they do not necessary to have public responsibilities. this statement disagrees that their firms do not need to have responsible so
The important precedant in corporation was creating money and they make sure that their social responsibilities is unecessary . Personally , i definitely disagree with the sentence . The reason which i will explain and s
Many people think the top priority of businesses is making money, and they do not need to have social responsibilities. Essay, I disagree with that and the writer is my opinion.
The main reason of company is to make the profit. So thay do not not need to have personality. while i accept that this perception is some what suitable, i bekieave that my self dissagree with this idea and will give rea
It is often said that the top priority of business is generating profits and they don't need to have public power . I agree with this perception and my reason is in the following essay.
The main reason of businesses is finding and grinding money,and they don't care about what they need to do to public responsibilities.While i disagree this preraption is somewhat illegal, i believe that this writer will
Many individuals believed that the most focused thing of a company is making a profit rather than responding to society . I totally disagree with that statement and that will be discussed throughout this essay.
Even though a large number of people think the top priority of business is making money and they do not need to have social responsibilities. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I believe that I
There are people argued that businesses should prioritize earn money first and do not have social responsibilities while there are people who said that corporations top priority is social responsibilities. I would say th
The precendence of commerce is for-profit with the absence of responsibilities for community is one of the questions that many people have been asking and considering. Some people claim that it is important for business
There is widespeard recognition that businesses put a high priority on generating profits thus these organizations are not required to have social responsibilities . While I accept this argument is slightly reasonable ,
It is believing that making money is a bussiness's top priority, but the social responbilities is also unnecessary. It is true that making money is the best promotion of the business work so I completely agree about that
it is often said that the highest priority of business is making money, the social responsibility is not necessary for them. The writer does not agree with the reason and explain it flowing the statement
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