The given two pie charts illustrate the variance in population in a century from 1900. This change can be seen in percentages. Overall, the whole population grew significantly in 100 years.
The two pie charts show the total population in the world by region between 1900 and 2000. Overall, the number of world citizens increased about fivefold, and there was also a new area for the Middle East and North Afric
The information about the comparision of food consumption between the world and two Asian countries such as China and India in the year 2008 is depicted by given circular charts.
The graphs given below illustrate, how a variety of resources were utilized to use and produce energy worldwide in the previous year. The units are measured in percentage.
The three pie charts illustrate the consumption of 4 types of food used in the world specifically in China and India in 2008. As it can be seen, the figures are compared to the amounts of food used in china and India in
The charts illustrate the amount of world energy usage and electricity production in the previous year. Overall, Coal has the largest percentage of world electrical generation at present but the power consumption is domi
The charts illustrate the proportion of food consumed in 2008 compared between the world and two regions in Asia. Overall, it can be seen that processed food was the most eaten in among three zones, despite the other cat
The data provides information on how the total world energy consumption and electricity generation were distributed last year. Overall, most of the consumed energy came from fossil fuels such as oil and gas, however, in
The pie chart illustrates the reason for low cultivation during the 1990s in three regions:such are North America, Europe and Oceania. These phenomena had the causes of degradation in land namely over-grazing, deforesta
The given pie charts represent the percentage of consumption of different food categories in 2008 on a global scale, and it is compared with China and India.