IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Students nowadays are under pressure to achieve academic success in order to get into a well-reputable university or secure a well-paid job. For this reason, some people argue that schools need to focus on teaching acade
Nowadays, the number of students who try to achieve academic success in order to get into a well-reputable university and secure a well-paid job is increasing. Some people argue that non-academic subjects should not be t
Education is always important for young people to be successful in their life. Some of them believe that only studying extracurricular things is not important so that children can focus only on regular subjects to achiev
Forming skilled and knowledgeable individuals is the main goal of the educational system. Through a diverse curriculum a student acquires information on various topics which will be useful for their job and day-to-day li
There is a common belief such as today's modern world children are exposedto alot of pressure to achieve academic success,therefore plenty of people believe that physical education and cookery should be taken off from sc
These days, it is argued that young adults should not be studying non-traditional subjects such as sports and cooking classes, instead they should focus on more academic courses. I agree to some extent that young adults
These days, academic institutions provide a range of programs to the new generations. Those include from physical education to cookery. Nevertheless, most students claim to have a lot of pressure. As a result, some peopl
It is widely accepted by many that subjects like physical education and cooking does not help academically, due to which opinion come on surface suggesting removal of non-academic subject from the school syllabus. I beli
In this era of fierce competition, many youngsters strive to achieve good results in their institutes. A school of thought believes, that to assist them unimportant subjects like home sciences and physical education must
There is a common belief among many people that academic subjects, such as math, physics, business studies, should be the only subjects included in the school syllabus. The reason being, society value the students who ex
It is argued lessons that not related to academic should be removed from the school curriculum. This essay disagree with that opinion because we can identify someone talents from non-academic subjects and and can advance
Some people say that schools are supposed to take out non-academic subjects since students are having a lot of pressure to succeed in academic subjects, hence they could focus on only their academic tasks. I firmly disag
This essay argues that, nowadays, students are facing overwhelming obstacles to succeeding in their education. Therefore, some individuals believe that it is necessary to cancel recreational curricula such as life skills
In recent decades, the field of education has turned into an area of immense pressure. Consequently, many think that non-academic subjects should be eliminated from the school curriculum so that students can be more focu
In contemporary education, designing educational curricula has become a heated topic among children and parents. Some people believe that schools should focus on academic subjects as a primary priority and withdraw non-a
Nowadays, adolescents are pressured to excel academically. Hence, numerous people think that to succeed in the academic category, non-academic subjects like cookery and physical education should be removed from the schoo
Nowadays, adolescents are pressured to excel academically. Hence, numerous people think that to be succeed in academic category, non-academic subjects should be removed from the school syllabus. I strongly disagree with
Research has shown that academic success is the centre of the young world. Thus, students are forced to focus on subjects which are part of their future studies, like physics and maths, if they want to have a perfect fut
In today's era, there is no doubt that the burden of studies on children is increasing. Due to that, one group of people supports the idea of discarding extracurricular subjects from the school. Although other groups of
Students face study stress due to an increase in competition. Certain people believe that non-academic subjects can be excavated from the school syllabus. I argue with the statement. I concur with the prior that educati
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