IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In todays people lifestyle traveling is a neccesity so that they go to different countries each year. Moreover, nowadays all the people around the world can visit even different continents easily and it is not a big deal
Nowadays, with rapid development in transportation technology individuals are able to move faster and more comfortably to other places compared to previous decades. As a result, the tourism industry is going to be cheape
In the modern world, it is widely known that travelling to another country is much easier than it was in the past, thanks to the well-developed transportation, travellers now can visit various places and explore differen
In the contemporary era, travelling across the world become way easier compared to past years. In these changes, improvements in technologies as well as human rights have great impact. This development is great for the e
Nowadays, there are much fewer difficulties for tourists to go to foreign countries compared to the past. As a result, a growing number of people are now travelling abroad. In this essay, I will explore the merits and de
There is no denying the fact that the tourism has become popular as compared to the past because of how easy it has become. One school of thought opines that now people do not have to spend so much time and money on goin
It is the”travelling the world” that has become easier in recent years.personally speaking , I believe that although there are some drawbacks for this phenomenon , the benefits are more worthy to be highlighted .
It’s more common nowadays to travel to different countries for tourism as in the past. This is due to our well developed airplanes and fast runnig high-tech trains. This Essay will examine if the advantages of this devel
Nowadays, due to the advancement of the modern ,world it has become a simpler task for the public to go abroad for travel than it was in older times. While this phenomenon holds great benefits, it also has many drawbacks
In today's s era, with the help of , technology it is very easy for people to commute between countries. Though it is an undeniable fact that now it is more convenient for individuals to travel to different countries ra
It is true that the advancement in transportation technology has enabled people to visit any country in the world. In my opinion, I believe that the benefits of tourism outweigh the drawbacks it might bring.
Traveling to different countries has grown recently and has become easier than many years ago. I believe these changes have brought more benefits than a disadvantage for both travelers and the host country. This developm
Traveling to different countries have been grown recently and have become easier than many years ago. I believe these changes have brought more benefit than disadvantage for both travelers and the host country. This deve
Traveling to different countries have been grown recently and have become easier than before. I believe these changes have brought more benefit than disadvantage for both travelers and the host country. This development
The line graph compares datas of Australian teenagers' consumption of pizza, fish and chips and hamburgers in different years from 1988 to 1999. At the beginning, fish and chips took up the most part and the number of i
Travelling to other regions has become more safe and easy nowadays than it was before. Although this development this has certain drwabacks, the positives of this thing are significantly much more including better econom
In modern times, globalization and advancement in technology have allowed tourists to travel to different countries much easier. As more opportunities for individuals to visit different countries for the purpose of touri
Nowadays, numerous people choose to have a trip because it is possible move to other countries in a not tough way as in the past. For this reason, touristry has undergone considerable growth.
Nowadays, numerous people choose to have a trip because it is possible moving in other countries in a not tough way as in the past. For this reason, tourism has undergone a considerably growth.
Nowadays, overseas travelling is easier for people than in the past. Although this can decrease the growth of domestic businesses, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages because it can broaden the v
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