IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that the obesity epidemic has had a tremendous impact on the world around us. This has led some to believe that we should introduce a 'fat tax' on the least healthy foods. However, there are many that f
There is no doubt that junk foods are unhealthy and may even cause diseases but now most of the human beings are attracted to unhealthy fast foods. To reduce this trend many people suggest that the government should impo
There is no doubt that junk foods are unhealthy and may even cause diseases but now most of the individuals are attracted to unhealthy fast foods. To reduce these trends many people suggest that the government should imp
Over recent years, the use of social networking sites amongst all age groups has been constantly on the rise. Some people argue that these sites have greater negative impact on both individuals and society. This essay ag
In the present ,era the internet has changed the lives of people drastically. According to some people, such sudden change has negatively impacted society a large scale. However, I am of the strong opinion that despit
The scope of the positivity of the pros of healthy eating outweighs the cons. I believe that the government should levy unhealthy foods. A tax on junk food will force people to make healthier choices. A healthier popu
People have different opinion on either government should lay tax on junk foods or tax free because huge consumption of unhealthy diet leading to beginning of diseases. Nowadays, most of children looking on purged packet
Many lives are lost every year from heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other obesity-related illnesses. I think a tax on unhealthy food is a sensible idea even though some people think it could be discriminatory and d
Food habits play a pivotal role in the health of individuals. Consuming unhealthy foods would pose a threat to both individuals and the community. Whilst there are numerous restrictions that can be applied over the quali
Throughout the years, the obsession with eating junk foods is causing mischievous effects on its consumers. As a solution to this problem, governments may impose taxes on consuming unhealthy diets. Although many people s
We are what we eat. How we nurish our body is the base for phiscal and mental well being. Unfortuantly are many people unaware of that. Speaking, are more people suffering from diseases caused by unhealty food than from
Consumption of unwholesome food has been posing a threat to not only individuals but also society. Therefore, it is suggested that the government should levy a tax on this kind of food. At the same time, some people are
Generally, technology in communication such as mobile call up has some useful advantages. However, some public may find those have other negative impacts on their daily routines. In my point of view, I think the usage of
It is argued that unhealthy eating leads to a negative impact on individuals and society as a whole. Some people suggest that the government should tax unhealthy foods. While others believe that it's unfair and unnecessa
Consumption of convenience food has detrimental effects on the population and the environment where they reside. There are people who suggest imposing taxes on junk foods, while others believe these taxes would impact po
Due to the negative effects of consuming unhealthy meals on the person or even on society, some individuals argue that the government should impose a high tax on unhealthy food while others think that this idea would cre
Due to the negative effects of consuming unhealthy meals on the person or even on society, some individuals argue that the government should impose a high duty on unhealthy food while others think that this idea would cr
Eating unhealthy foods has lot of negative impact on personal and the communiy, also they living situation. In this situation, Many people argue with that the governement should get a junk foods tax as this could reduce
Increasing preference towards fast food is the leading cause of unhealthy nations.Few are of the opinion that imposing taxation on transfat cuisine discourage the public from buying it,while others believe that the publi
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