IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, technological advancement and their rapid and wide applications are having a significant impact on a nation's traditional skills and ways of life. Some argue that such impact is so extraordinary that it would m
At present, many country are developing new technology to make their country breakthrough. However it makes the traditional skill or the technic that their old people give for them. It seem to me, I disagree with the wor
Technology is an important thing in people’s life and it clearly helps us to adapt with the period of development. I disagree with the opinion that, when technology develops in a country, the traditional skills disappear
In some countries, the rapid development of technology is making traditional lifestyles obsolete. However, a segment of society is convinced that there is no meaning in keeping them alive. I personally agree with this o
Modernization has a huge impact on the living, as it increases the convenience while at same time traditions are about to the end.I am not completely in the favor of this statement that there is no mean to keep the tradi
Technology advancement is happening all over the world. Moreover, modernization is becoming a status symbol to many people. Nowadays, most people are living for society, not for themselves. So they purposefully forget mo
There is no doubt that technological advancements are imperative for every nation to grow. Although they bring many benefits to our society, they have some disadvantages as well. I strongly believe that due to these deve
There is no doubt that technological advancements are imperative for every nation to grow. Although they bring many benefits to the society, they have some disadvantages as well. I strongly believe that due to these deve
Traditional customs and skills are the pioneers of any country's heritage. While some argue that traditional skills are a waste of resources in this technological era and should be abandoned , I disagree as they are par
Given the technological advancements around the world, concerns are mounting over the extinction of traditional values since they no longer play an important role in society. This essay states my perspective, which is t
It is often said that technological innovation brings about disruptive changes in society. One such change is the eradication of traditional skills and ways of life to the extent where they are no longer considered imper
It is often said that technological innovation brings about disruptive changes in the society. One such change is the eradication of traditional skills and way of life to the extent where they are no longer considered im
Technological development leads to modernization, consequently an improved version of the life. However, it has been argued that along with these developments the traditional skills and methods should also be discarded a
Cultural Heritage is one of the most important aspects of any country's heritage. It describes the traditional skills and way of living that the original residents of the country used to follow. However, following techno
In some situations, when a nation is more advanced in technology it completely wipes out old skill sets and ways of living people have in their life. This essay agrees with the first statement because new mode of skills
Cultural skillset is a key set of value to any country even though it has the developed it's modern technology,these must be constant in their living.In my ,opinion I completely disagree with the way they are looking up
Nowadays the technology is more evident now more than ever due to the breakthrough of the internet. There are people connected all the time, but also there are people not so familiar with the technology. On one hand, cou
New technologies have been constantly developed by nations and they are gaining more space, despite of ancients abilities. Bear them in the society is of pivotal importance however there are some people who believe it is
Technology has come a long way. So many human's jobs are now replaced by machines. It has been claimed by some that conventional methods of living and talents have been impacted negatively by technology to the point of b
Developing technologies in the country can lead to the extinction of its traditional skills and ways of life. So trying to keep them alive is useless. I fully disagree with this statement. It can be proved by a great num
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