IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's society, the question of whether luck is the most important element contributing to a person's success or not has sparked a degree of controversy among people. Although I accept that fortune plays an important
In contemporary society, whether luck is the most crucial element contributing to a person's success or not has sparked a degree of controversy among scholars and individuals. Although I accept that fortune does have an
Numerous individuals assert that luck plays a significant role in an individual's success. Although I acknowledge the influence of luck in assisting individuals in attaining their goals, I contend that diligent effort an
In recent times, many think that luck is a major trait to get succed in one’s goal. I completely deny this statement because studious work plays a crucial role to become a successful person in their life.
at all times people were wearing uniforms to show their proffession. In this essay I want to describe advantages and disadvantages of this tradition.
Everyone always seems to plan their future ahead, depending on whether one's success in pursuing their dreams or not does not entirely conclude as a question of luck. For example, Being in different circumstances and lif
There is no doubt that some people think that achieving their aims in life needs some luck and others think opposite .In my point of view, I totally disagree with the statement in spite of two reasons such as hard work a
The biggest confusion for human being is to find purposes in life as its full of uncertainty future. While some people think it happen because of luck, I believe that there are several reasons why human can achieve their
It is argued that achieving goals in people's lives depends on their luck. However, I completely disagree with the given statement.
One school of thought holds that most of one’s success is attributable to a stroke of luck. While I accept that this perception is somewhat justifiable, I disagree that people can be successful without hard work and cons
It is argued that some people can achieve their goals mostly attributable to fortune instead of their own hard work. however, I completely disagree with this opinion.
It is argued that one’s success in life is mostly a matter of fortune. From my perspective, I do not totally agree with the statement due to the fact that a person’s achievements are not only based on luck but also other
It is rightly said that hard work is a ladder to success. While there are numerous raising questions about whether an individual is getting an achievement because of their luck or not. In the ensuing segment, the provi
People mostly get to their goals by luck. I completely disagree with this opinion, because I think that achieving your aim is a long way and you only come to a finish if you work really hard.
It is often considered that people achieve their goals or not, mainly a matter of luck or some beliefs. In my, inclination luck do not play a role to gain success. Thus I completely disagree with the statement which le
Many people believe that a person’s success is mainly obtained by good fortune. While I accept that luck might sometimes contribute to one’s achievement, I also believe that it is not the only way to prepare for someone’
What do you recommendthat we see? Câu 11: Could you please _______ photos of us? A. go B. takeC. doD. make Câu 12: Where is home to Quang Trung king and the Vietnamese martial art that has been recognized worldwi
Câu 11: Could you please _______ photos of us? A. go B. takeC. doD. make Câu 12: Where is home to Quang Trung king and the Vietnamese martial art that has been recognized worldwide? A. Da Nang B. Nha Trang C.
Câu 1: _________ is a tour that we have to spend a lot of money with high-quality services. A.Luxury tourB. Adventure tourC. Relaxation tourD. Fun tour Câu 2: What is a game played over a large area of ground using s
Practice 8: Choose the correct answer: 1)Which places provide the tourists with tourism information in many origin countries? A.Flea marketB. tourist information offices C.Vocational collegesD. Supermarkets 2)The co
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