IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I have a lot of good experience online buying from your website. Unfortunately, I feel displeasure with the recent buy and have a problem with that. So, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the pair of shoes t
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the wedding dress «Olivia» which I have recently purchases from your online store. This awesome gown is from the last collection of the designer Vera Wong, and it costs $30
I am writing to let you know that last week I had bought a pair of headphones from your company. I bought the latest pair of Sony headphones which are launched recently by your company. I had paid 120 dollars for the pai
I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with Asus laptop. I bought a number of items online but it was a bad experience. I bought the laptop from last week. It was working for 3-4 hours after I turned on
I hope you are healthy and well as always. Yesterday I bought some clothes from your company by online shopping via website. I was bought one shirt and one jeans. I choose that's shirt with medium size. Actually there is
I am writing this letter to you regarding the online bag I ordered last month and received yesterday in order to show my concern and request a refund. Firstly, I desired a black colour handbag which possessed a long stra
I am writing this letter regarding the online bag I ordered last month and received yesterday in order to show my concern and request a refund. Firstly, I desired a black colour handbag which possessed a long strap maki
I am writing this letter to you regarding my online purchase. I would request you to refund the amount that I spent on fairy lights. As per the description, the length is accurate and it works absolutely fine.
I am writing to request for reimburse money of the returned laptop. which I received faulty and returned on February 20, 2023, after speaking to the customer service department.
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