IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many pieces of research done by scientists are focused on animals. According to them, experimentation with these species is more practical because their bodies are quite similar to humans. while some people believe that
Nowadays, there are multiple arguments about experimentation on animals. There are some who agree with this method rather it has been used for a long time and has a huge role in the medical field . Also, some said there
Countless discoveries in scientific fields could have been successful due to a pre-clinical examination of living things. Hence, it is widely considered that animal tests are necessary for people. However, some strongly
Nowadays,In the world has so many experiments.Thus,for this proceders most of them are using animal.However,society some folk believe that is very bad and also someone say important discovery can do from animals.Neverthe
Nowadays,In the world pop up so many experiments.Thus,for this pro ceders most of them are using animal.However,society some folk believe that is very bad and also someone say important discovery can do from animals.Neve
There are different opinions about experimentation on animals. Some groups reasonably state that any experiments on living creatures should be banned. Others have argued that investigations on animals will have more info
There is no denying the fact that the importance of doing experiments on animals for our environment. This essay will discuss how these experiments can be justified and what the alternatives methods we can use it instead
It is thought that it is not justified to do experimentation on animals and this issue has to be legalised ,while others believe that it is not a big issue to practise any sort of experiments on animals.In this essay, I
There is no doubt that performing necessary experiments on creatures leads to a tremendous impact on our pharmaceuticals industry and I believe that as long as the research is cruelty-free, there should be no issue with
The debate about whether experimentation on animals is illegal or inhumane has always been an issue. Some people believe that Animals should not be killed for the benefit of human beings, while others argue that people a
Animal testing is an extremely harsh and tough proces used by many cosmetic companies and other businesses in general. This has been going on for centuries.
Animals such as mouses and monckeys for very long time have been used to make experiments. There are people who believe that this is not an ethic method and that it should be banned. On the other hand others think that t
The research industry has advanced in the past decade and now we have cures for many diseases and disorders, that could not have been possible in the last century. Some people claim that it is bad to use animals for vari
A certain proportion of inhabitance opinion that all scientific testing on animals is bad and it should be illegal. But some the individuals believe that very important discoveries can be made from animals. This essay
The debate has been going around that experimenting scientific theories and findings on animals are un-ethical and laws should be pass in order to make it illegal. However, on the other hand many people argued that scien
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