IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter regarding the advertisement that was published in Cosmopolitan Australia about looking after your six-year-old child. I am Sanchi Dhupar, a resident of India and for the past few weeks I was look
I am writing to express my interest in a position that I saw in an Australian magazine for looking after your six-year-old child and staying at your place.
I am writing this letter in regard to an advertisement that you have given in the weekly magazine last week . I would prefer this babysitter job because I have done my master's in Pediatrics and child psychology back
I am writing this letter in regards to an advertisemnet that you have given in weekly magazine last week . I would prefer myself for this baby sitter job , because i have done my masters in Pediatrics and child psycholo
I am writing in regard to your advertisement in the magazine for the position of a nanny. I am very much interested to take this role as I am eagerly looking for something similar. I really hope that you will consider my
I am writing this letter to express my interest in an advertisement that you are looking for a person who can take care of your six-year-old child and can stay with your family in Australia for half a year.
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in the babysitter position you advertised in the Australian Today magazine. My name is Robert and I recently moved to Perth to complete my Master's d
I am writing this letter to draw your attention towards an advertisement posted by you in one of the Australian Magazine for accommodation, and take responsibility for your child.
I am writing in relation to the advertised position of a stay-in nanny. I came across this advertisement in an Australian magazine and took an interest to apply.
I am writing in regard to a post that you published in the "Daily Life" magazine one week ago. I would love to be considered for the position you are looking to fill because I adore working with kids. Back in Argentina,
It is with great pleasure and gladness that I am writing to you. I came across an advertisement in an Australian magazine for the position of a stay-in nanny. It is with much excitement that I write to you to show my int
I'm writing to you because I'm very excited! I applied for a babysitter job in Australia. If I get the job, I will be there for 6 months. Those parents are looking for a babysitter for their six-year-old child. As you kn
I write this letter in reference to the advertisement you gave in a Sunday magazine published on 25th November in which you were looking for a person who can stay at your place, meanwhile, look after your six-year-old ch
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