IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement for a babysitter posted in the magazine Child Care. I am doing Bachelor’s in Psychology at Melbourne University and since the pandemic has hit the country my cla
I am writing this letter with regard to the notice I have read in the magazine regarding the offer for baby-sitting your son in Australia. I would like to apply for the position, hence mentioning the details, which clea
I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement which is posted recently about baby sitter job in magazine Child Care. Currently, I am studying in a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering course at the University
I hope this letter finds you in a good health .My name is Vivek and I have seen your advertisement in an Australian magazine. I am writing this letter to request you to consider me for the job which you have posted .In t
I am writing this letter to apply for a job advertised in an Australian magazine this Sunday, for a Nany of Six-year-old child.However,I would like to draw your attention to the said Job for two reasons.
I would like to express my interest in the Job posted in the Journal to take care of a child for over six months and stay with them for the duration. I have prior experience in handling children above five years of age i
I am writing this missive to let you know that I have gone through the post in the magazine and I am interested in the job that was published because I love handling kids besides this,I want a long term experience for na
I am Ruchika Munjewar from Australia residing at Capetown bridge,I am writing this letter to inform you that I saw your advertisement in Australian magazine regarding a babysitting post. Since I am planning to move to yo
I am Ruchika Munjewar from Australia residing at capetown bridge,i am writing this letter to inform you that i have seen your advertisement in australian magazine regarding a babysitting job. Since i am planning to move
I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement in a magazine “Australian days” about searching for a babysitter for your six-year-old child for six months.
I am writing this letter in response to the advertisement which was published in Australian Magazine. I have read about your requirements about hiring a person to take care of your baby for about half of the year.
I am writing to express my interest to work as a nanny for your family. Firstly, I certainly enjoy taking care of small children, moreover, I have always wanted to live in Australia.
I am writing to express my interest to work as a nanny for your family. Firstly, I enjoy taking care of small children, moreover, I have always wanted to live in Australia.
I write this letter in regards to the advertisement in 'The people' magazine dated 26 December. I would like to join the family to look after the child.
I am writing to express my enthusiasm to join your family and care for your kid. I have some justifications to choose this job. The first point is that I am an extroverted person and I can adapt to new people very quickl
I am writing to express my interest in joining your family and caring for your kid. I have some justifications to choose this job. The first point is that I am an extroverted person and I can adapt to new people quickl
My name is Sara Ahmadi and I read your advertisement when I was at university. I noticed that you need someone to take care of your child for about six months. having been satisfied, as I really love this job and also I
This is regarding your advertisement published in Australian magazine dated on 16.12.2021 for the requirement of child care person. My name is Shravan, I am a resident of Mira road and I will be interested in this positi
My name is Ikram. I have seen your advertisement in the magazine yesterday, I am writing to inform you that I am really interested in the position that you are offering.
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