IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to you to introduce my problem with my new accommodation. I am a student in college. Then I live in an apartment at this college with another student. However, there are a
My name is David and I am a second-year degree student in the college.I am writing this letter to bring your attention to the issues that I face in my accommodation.
There are different opinions about elderly care and who should pay for their retirement. In Britain, older people might go to a home care in which the staff is specialized and prepared to take care of them, and from time
I'm writing with regard to some issues which I am facing in the bedroom where I live in the Students Department since the beggining of the semester.
I would like to inform you that I am the one of students who is currently staying in one of the college rooms.I have many problems with another student who is sharing the same place with me.
I am Kailaash from GEC 23rd room and I am writing to let you know about a few problems which I am facing with my roommate due to shared accommodation, including late-night parties which made me write this letter.
I'm writing to let you know that I am very dissatisfied with my current living arrangement. My roommate has become increasingly intolerable, and it is affecting my studies negatively to the point where I'm sleeping in cl
I work in a company. This company's work very difficult for example my lessons will finish at 4 o'clock and my work will start at 5 o'clock and will finish at 10 o'clock but at this time you close the doors. Even some of
I am writing to you for complaint about problems which i faced in our room, which is became cause for decreasing productivities about my study.
I am writing you this letter to express my discontentment with my current roommate and I would like to request another accommodation next semester.
I am a student in 3rd-year dentistry and my exams are due in next week. I am writing this letter to let you know about my problems regarding the room I am staying in at your college.
I am a student in my first-year pre-medical and I am living in your college hostel room number 22. I am writing this letter to draw your attention towards a serious issue which I am facing nowadays in my shared room.
Greetings of the Day! I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with my current accommodation arrangement at the UC dorm located in the commons building.
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