IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter regarding the malfunction of recently bough internet router. I purchased the device on June 15, 2023. The router was not working since last week. Therefore, I am not able to complete my office wo
I am writing about a piece of equipment that I bought from your store, which is a vacuum cleaner. In fact, I work as a housekeeper, and I always use it; likewise, it is one of the greatest types of equipment for my job.
I am writing this letter to complain about a printer that I purchased from your company last Monday which was June 1,2023.
My name is Chidinma Elisha, I got equipment from your company last week, a baking mixer precisely and it was delivered to my apartment yesterday, I wanted to use the mixer for the batter which I will use to bake a cake
This is Mahsa Hassaniousha with customer number L23517. I'm writing this to inform youof a malfunction in the set of headphones I purchased yesterday to use for my online classes.
I hope this letter finds you in radiant health and the best of spirit. I hope this letter with crucial purpose is complaining about three months ago , I purchased a Dell laptop from your store.Because this device does
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the headphones that I recently purchased of your internet site. I hope your reply to this letter will come soon.
I am writing this letter to report a malfunction of the computer screen that I purchased from your shop. I am a Mortgage specialist and I heavily rely on this equipment to work on my outreach and mortgages.
I am writing this letter to you to inform you about a situation that happened with a purchased refrigerator from your shop.
This is to inform you that I purchased a laptop charger from your outlet last week, which I started using for my work. The charger was in good condition of working for quite some time, but later a few days, it created a
I’m writing this letter with regards to my disappointment about the external hard disk which I purchaged from your shop last week on Monday.The files are not opening in the hard disk.
The purpose of writing this letter is to register a complaint about the computer mouse which I bought from your shop last week. I have been using it for my office purpose and so far was working fine too, but after three
I’m writing this letter with regards to my disappointment about the external hard disk which I purchased from your shop last week on Monday.The files are not opening on the hard disk.
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