Setting a personal goals is very important because it helps us what we want to achieve. Before you're working on your personal goals you have to make a list of your goals. By doing that you make your vision clearer and specific. There are some steps I do before make a list. First, I sit with myself and reflecting what I have done for the past year. Then, I write all the things I want to achieve this year, even if it's finaical goal or career goal. After writing all the goals I wanted to achieve, I will do some prortizing the list what are the goals that very important to me and I admir to do them first. Then, I am working on the small steps to make this as a habit. When make your working on your goal as habit, then congrats you just half throght for achieving that goal. When achieve your goal, write down what the things you want to avoid doing them for the next goal. Making list of personal goals has many advantages. First they are making us more focus and directions. Also, they he...