First of all, I need study to get me out of the “Tang Ping” lifestyle. Indeed, I have a stable and relatively easy job now, decent paycheck, respectable social status, and most importantly, a fairly lessen workloads. It’s a career that many Chinese people dream of, a work of “Tang Ping” lifestyle. If I choose to study again, it means I give up almost everything. I love my job, because I do not need to work hard anymore for the rest of my life, I also hate of my job, because I do not need to work hard anymore for the rest of my life. It makes my life easy and happy, and it also deprives my passion for life, craving for knowledge, and pursuing the meaning of life. There is an old saying in China, those who do not plan for the future will find trouble at their doorstep(人无远虑必有近忧). I do not see the troubles right now, but it does not mean they do not exist. Throughout history there are so many instances showed it is too late until the problem reveals, the fallen of Ming Dynasty, the fall...