Re: Lionel Ramamurthy, aged 63 Mr Lionel Ramamurthy was admitted on 4 February 2019 having contracted pneumonia. He is now ready for discharge back into your care tomorrow. On admission, he was experiencing fevers and rigors. He suffered dyspnoea, wheezing and sleeplessness. He had chest and abdominal pain due to prolonged persistent coughing. After a week in hospital, he has stabilised and his breathing problems are now resolved. However, he still experiences some chest and abdominal pain, with a dry cough. His nursing management in hospital initially consisted of a walking frame and assistance with showering and dressing. Mr Ramamurthy is now more independent. He is also able to walk about slowly without assistance, and shower and use the toilet independently. Paracetamol may be administered as needed if chest and abdominal pain persists and Mr Ramamurthy should be kept warm. Please encourage oral fluids, and ensure that he sits up, rather than lies down, whenever possib...