It is true that demand for animal products have been increased significantly around the globe. Athough advocates of industrail production of animal husbantry point out that this can bring many advantages to human population, others hold the view of that this harms wildlife and the environment. In my opinion, even though there are some negatives can be seen due to this farming method, I beleive positives outweigh its demerits. One the one hand, those who consider intensive farming is beneficial assert that this is to meet growing need of animal food products. In other words, as human popoluation is growing in a uncontrolled manner, the availability of land to cultivate food and food producats are minimum, therefore, this new innovative method of farming can resolve the issue for a certain extend. For instance, by doing this, a large scale of animals, poultry and cattles, can be reared with minimum coast. Eventually, housing,nutrion and health are protected by...