some people believe, that it ii befit to accept a bad iituation, iuch af> an uniatiifactof'( job or f>hortage- of mone,'i . Othe-rn argue- that it if> be-tte-r to to and improve, wch f>ituationf>. Baf>ed on m'i Know\e-dge-, f>ome people, choof>e to accept the- fate, that the'{ have- to undergo the bad f>ituation af> the-'i be-\ie-ve, that good thingf> might come- out of it. Their 50\ution ii riimpl'f to juf>t 90 with the -flow becaurie, the-'i thinK that the'i will le-arn riome-thing new along the-journei- r=or e-iample-, a ritude-nt received a grade- B for hiri ?h'{riicri namination. However, he, onl'i nee-dri one- more, marK to ge-t an A. If a ritude-nt requireri to re-ce-ive a marK pe-rce-nta9e of 70% to ge-t an A, thiri ritudent got a (pq% on hiri paper. Ari the, teacher looKed through the queritionri with the, whole, claf>ri, he- noticeri that the te-ache-r accidentall'{ marKe-d hiri correct anriwe-r to wrong. o, realif>ticalli, he, rihould ge-t an A. However, he cho...