There are originally seven basic colours in the world which we can notice in a rainbow. It will have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. All other colours where developed by combining a particular amount of one with another colour. For instance, brown, pink, white, black and so on these are the examples of mixing colours.I will discuss about how colour plays a key role in humans mental health in day to day life Generally a human being will have change of mind according to the nature and the surroundings. Most of the time Whenever people see a thing they start to think and imagine about it. There are many things that will disturb the people and cause them inconvience such as sound, air, high temperature and so on. In the same way colour will also impact human thinking. for example, eveyone will have their own favourite colour and they want to paint their houses with their choice of colour and purchase things, dresses everything whatever they feel to o...