IELTS Writing Samples Band 7.5

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The jury is still out on whether the state should provide all forms of education free of charge. While some people believe that tertiary education should have tuition fees for students, eliminating uninterested students, I side with those who argue that free education can bear fruit in the long perspective.
Many authorities believe that economic growth is their essential purpose, while many individuals argue that other parts are required to develop as well. Even though I respect to first view, I am firmly convinced of the latter notion. This essay will discuss both benefits and will give possible constructive conclusions.
Nowadays, containers made of plastic are becoming ubiquitous items in mass production and are being used by many food and drink companies. Although there are numerous benefits to using plastic receptacles for daily usage, their drawbacks can exceed them in the long run.
Average life expectancy is a number that usually we use to identify the quality of life in a nation.Nonetheless, in developing countries, this number expected will rise and has been suspected to cause issues. In this essay, I will discuss several matters that will appear regarding the issue and present some prevention actions which must be done to handle these problems.
In contemporary society, whether utilizing advanced technologies in farming is an issue open to intensive debate. Some suggest that people should insist on conventional framing ways, while I contend that it is inevitable to facilitate industrialized agriculture.
Zoos can be quite controversial among animal lovers. While some people believe that zoos provide a benefit in some ways, I side with those who feel that zoos are inhumane, and should be shut down.
Nowadays, it is believed that the environment has problems mainly because of the loss of some specific species of animals and plants. Other people are of the view that there are many vital environmental drawbacks. In my opinion, I think indeed there are quite a number of serious and life-threatening problems in the environment that should be prioritised and looked into. This essay will discuss both issues.
Undoubtedly, the standard of life has been drastically degraded in the metropolitan areas due to a plethora of reasons like the growing population in the big cities, space crunch and a lot more. This essay will discuss the reasons and measures in detail to combat this concern.
These days, sports players may have a high salary compared to those who are working in other fields. While many people think it reasonable, others believe it is a sort of underestimating of many other professions. In my opinion, both views are right as rather than caring about sports players' salaries, we should think about improving other professions' salaries.
Jobs give citizens a stable life and economy. Despite giving rewards, it can be brutal to work 60 hours a week. Employees are stressed because of the deadlines and pressure that they need to put in their jobs. However, in this essay, I will demonstrate how employers should act to lift the worker's weight off their shoulders.
It has become evident that the world of science has advanced significantly, especially, in the area of medicine. People now have the luxury of modifying their body morphology via several plastic surgery procedures for various reasons, and it is surprising that there is a progressive increase in the number of people who opt for it. While this might be the trend, I think it is a positive development as people can now live healthier than before.
Nowadays, shopping online is becoming well-known and widely used, as numerous people tend to purchase using online websites and applications. This essay will suggest that saving time and reasonable prices are the foremost benefits, and then demonstrate that facing scams and additional fees are the primary drawbacks.
Parents, by nature, are always curious about their children's tutoring, especially in school. Some parents believe that participation in practical activities will be more beneficial for their kids than just learning theoretically, while others see that the multiplicity of courses is favourable for their children's life careers. I personally believe that school students should learn various subjects rather than gaining practical skills. This essay will discuss both viewpoints and refer to some studies and experiences to illustrate my preference.
Environmental deterioration is severely increasing every day across the globe. Some experts indicate that dealing with such an issue should be a mutual responsibility between all governments, while others claim that each country has to solve its own environmental troubles. I believe that such a problem should be considered internationally and handled as a danger to humanity and the earth. This essay will present both viewpoints and consult some studies to illustrate my preference.
It is to be said that having strong intellectual capacity and knowledge is such a blessing for any of us. Some experts believe that accomplishment is only related to intelligence, while others see that there are more effective methods to appraise mental capacity. I firmly believe that there are many reasons behind success, ranging from sheer luck to extraordinary abilities. In this essay, I will refer to some studies and experiences to mark other valuable standards of intelligence.
In the last few years, more and more influencers have been hounded by the media, and some people think that, as famous people, they have to accept that they will not have privacy. However, I firmly believe that they are entitled to their own right to privacy as human beings.
Nowadays, the tech revolution has made the internet a double-edged sword. Some users see it as an intrusive tool for their privacy, while others contend its' benefits exceed those personal issues. I think that the internet has served humanity in many good ways, although it has some drawbacks. In this essay, I will rely on some studies and personal experiences to highlight the benefits of the Internet.
It is widely argued that global tourism has a negative impact on various aspects of the local countries. This essay attempts to shed light on the driving factors behind this negative view before outlining several viable solutions that should be adopted to tackle this problem.
In this day and age, it is thought that wealthy nations support money for poorer countries, but it does not address poverty. As a result, developed countries should provide practical help to developing countries. I totally agree with this statement and reasons for my viewpoint will be mentioned in this essay.
In modern society, there is an ongoing debate about whether children can learn cooperation through team sports or not, with some people believing that the best way to study cooperation is through team sports. In this essay, I will argue and explain what team activities contribute to children.
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