IELTS Writing Samples Band 7.5

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We live in an age when publishing has a crucial role in the current society these days. I firmly believe that reports have positive impacts on our community for a number of significant reasons.
From the past to the present, people play different kinds of music in their festivals. Also, the types of music have been developed since the advancement of technology. In my opinion, the song has a crucial effect on our lives for clear reasons. I am also convinced that both traditional and international music have positive impacts on personal lives.
In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, opinions vary on whether exercise or a balanced diet takes precedence. From my perspective, exercise and a balanced diet contribute significantly to overall well-being, and understanding the merits of each is crucial for a wholesome approach to health. The forthcoming paragraphs of this essay aim to discuss both perspectives, examining the benefits of each and providing examples to support my opinion.
In the era of globalization, it is not challenging to recognize that the environment which plays a crucial role in our lives faces the threat of destruction. Due to the issues, some argue that the most effective way to prevent this is to raise the price of gasoline. I assume this action should be carried out to protect our standard of living.
It is true that in many countries, obesity has become a major problem. There are several reasons why many people are suffering from overweight. However, steps can definitely be taken to tackle this issue.
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, the controversy surrounding having multiple careers has been a prominent topic and some people believe that having a single career is outdated. From my perspective, it is become more common for individuals to pursue various careers and means of earning a livelihood. This shift is largely driven by economic changes, technological advancements, and evolving job markets, making continuous learning and skill acquisition essential.
Museums and historical sites are crucial for a country as they reflect its unique history and culture. Although these places attract a significant number of foreigners, it is a common issue that locals show less interest in visiting them. This essay will analyze the main reasons for this trend and suggest measures to encourage local citizens to visit these sites more often.
In recent years, advancements in technology have changed how people connect with each other. This has turned people into making many more friends but reduced the depth of relationships. It is a harmful change as people are less able to express their personal feelings.
Certain individuals claim that only the government should control scientific investigations. This essay agrees with this statement because it gives access to previous data and provides financial support.
There is a common belief that youngsters get attracted to sports by watching them on television because they get motivation from the success and stardom of other players. However, many people argue that apart from TV, there are different ways to indulge them in exercise like health, opportunities, and careers. I firmly believe that major sports events are a big source that increases sports fever but numerous other factors affect adult's thinking.
The issue of excessive packaging in consumer goods has brought divided notions among folks. Some people believe that it is the retailer's and producer's responsibility to diminish the overpackaging of products. While others debate that the buyer should drive change by opting for products with minimal wrapping.
One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in science and technology. Many people believe that science must make humans live better so they can enjoy healthy lifestyles. It is completely agree with the given notion because many use it for the betterment of their career, meeting with family members and education purposes. This stance will be proven by carefully analysing why science must improve society's lives.
There is a debate over whether hosting a worldwide sports event is good for the country or not, with some arguing that it would be beneficial to the economy of the country as the number of people visiting the country increases and others suggesting that it can be negative due to impacts on the environment. Although there are arguments justifying the former idea, I believe that people should be most concerned about the environment.
In the contemporary era, the disappearance of many languages has increased rapidly. Therefore, the question of whether this trend leads to concerning issues or makes people’s lives smoother has become a matter of considerable debate. From my perspective, this change allows individuals to lead simpler daily lives.
In this day and age, an increasing number of animals have become endangered, so some claim that a considerable amount of money should not be invested in wildlife protection, and investment could bring more benefits when allocated to the human population. I am in line with this suggestion.
It is often argued that all nations should implement military services on young males and females after finishing their education. This essay will disagree with this statement because it can lead to migration and some people's interests may lie somewhere else.
Many people owe money because they purchase unnecessary goods that they cannot afford. Relentless advertising in the media and the easy availability of credit are the main reasons for this, and I believe it is the responsibility of governments to intervene and issue stricter guidelines to prevent irresponsible lending and to regulate advertising in the media.
Using TV in an ineffective way may make the children misbehave. The reasons for this partly depend on the content they choose to watch and the amount of time they wish to spend on it. Despite both of them resulting in bad behaviours, I believe that it is the content that makes the children bad.
There may be divergent views regarding whether the benefits of online shopping outweigh the drawbacks. While some people think it has potential disadvantages, I am convinced by the view that online shopping is advantageous to customers and society.
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