IELTS Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Some educators and parents are keen on separating boys and girls for better education results, while some believe that a combination class of these two genders will be beneficial for their career growth. In my opinion, I concur with a mixed-class setting where children can improve their social skills which will bring them closer to achieving their educational success and personal development.
Education on how to be positive members of society is believed by some individuals to be the responsibility of parents, while others argue that schools are better places to teach it. From my point of view, schools need to be the major responsible for this type of education, in order to offer equal information and discipline.
people have different views about the primary reasons for environmental issues throughout the world. Some consider the extinction of specific breeds of plants and animals to be the main cause of the problem, while others including me believe that other concerns are more prior.
Many people are of the opinion that it should be mandatory for youngsters to study scientific subjects while others argue that they should have the freedom to choose what they want to study. While studying scientific subjects can provide more job opportunities for the future, subjects like humanities and philosophy are essential in their own right. This essay believes that pursuing their preferred fields of study helps students excel in life.
In certain nations, young adults study in institutions that allow them to stay with their loved ones while in other parts of the world, youngsters travel away from home to attend Universities. This essay discusses the reasons why I think residing in places far from home has more merits than demerits.
Space exploration continues to be a highly controversial subject. Part of the world population believes that governments are spending in search of another lifeform outside our planet to justify our future needs. However, the other group believes that space exploration for another lifeform is worthless and its allocated funds should be used on rather pressing issues on Earth. In this essay, we will see the prospects of both sides.
Reports of citizens of many countries worldwide battling with stress are on the increase. The main cause of this stems from our hectic modern lifestyles and busy work schedules, which often leave little time for social and family life. However, a number of solutions can be implemented by companies and governments to combat this.
In modern days, more and more people regarding their age, gender, and social level have started to reconsider their appearance, therefore spending way more time, energy, and resources on enhancing their looks compared to past times. I would certainly agree with this statement and will also discuss why I can’t agree with some aspects of this topic.
Over the past years, advancements in payment technologies have profoundly influenced individuals’ lifestyles. These innovations mean that people no longer need to carry cash to purchase goods. This essay will discuss why paying with cash will disappear and who will be disadvantaged during this transition.
Thanks to the significant development of technology, electrical equipment like smartphones has become indispensable in modern lives. These advancements empower workers to stay connected to workspaces and promptly manage personal calls through cell phones. In this essay, I will explore the empowerment these devices bring, discussing both their advantages and disadvantages and sharing my perspective.
There is no denying that the number of customers who are going to go to large shopping centres for their shopping has been increasing over and over these days. Due to the development of customer benefits in large shopping centres, many people would prefer to shop in big shopping centres. However, some people say this issue has negative effects on our association.
Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree that this is the right course of action? Give reasons for your opinion
In contemporary society, the issue of whether the government should cover university tuition for students free of charge has sparked a degree of controversy among people. While this trend may have certain benefits, I believe that they are far overshadowed by their drawbacks.
In today’s society, people’s perspectives on government policies have shown significant divergence. The question of whether the government should prioritize economic progress or consider other matters equally has become a matter of considerable debate. This essay will outline both viewpoints, and I believe that the development of the economy is a priority.
In recent decades, there has been a noticeable trend where some nations have started to set a limited number of working hours for each employee. I view this development positively, and in this essay, I will discuss why there should be a limit to working hours.
Once rehabilitated in jail, criminals can engage in a wide range of activities. However, some of them tend to commit additional crimes once they are out of jail. While the motives for this shift of attitudes can vary, there are several possible solutions that can be taken by both individuals and the government.
These days, it is commonly believed that computers are more inclined towards being an obstruction instead of providing assistance, while others advocate that they are essential in daily life. Although this technology could be destructive at certain times, I must say that the advantages it offers outweigh the drawbacks.
Young men are often forced to join military service after graduating from schools in many countries. While some people are optimistic about adopting this system for females and every country, I disagree with this, for it can raise a possibility of war regardless of the growing need to increase national security in modern society.
Regarding the increase in violence on screens and in virtual reality these days, some experts claim that this phenomenon has a negative impact on the community. Others, however, contend that a person's attitude is unaffected. I firmly think that violence in the media has an impact on people's behaviour, particularly that of children and teenagers. I'll use a few studies in this essay to demonstrate the detrimental effects of violence in video games.
In contemporary society, paying university tuition for students by the government has sparked a degree of controversy among people. While this trend may have certain benefits, I believe that they are far overshadowed by their drawbacks.
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