IELTS Writing Samples Band 7.5

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The debate about the role of money in achieving happiness is ongoing. While it does play a significant role in providing basic needs and security, it is important to acknowledge that it is not the sole reason for happiness. Therefore, I agree that money is one of the most important factors in a person’s happiness
There are controversial perspectives heating up a debate over taking on more responsibility for children .While some claim that kids of every age group should be given additional responsibilities, the opposite makes a statement that children should have the freedom to enjoy their lives outside of school. While each has its own perks, I would contend that it is optimal to combine both perspectives.
In the contemporary world, crime plays such a controversial part in our lives. It is asserted that providing useful knowledge to parents about teaching their offspring is the most effective method to reduce crimes at a young age. The writer wholeheartedly agrees with this statement because of responsibility and parent’s effect on children.
Undoubtedly, technology has always proved to have banes and boons based on its utilization. It is a blessing in disguise for mankind irrespective of age if used in the right direction and detrimental if over-exploited. The usage of advanced devices by kids from childhood age is always a topic of debate. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages in detail.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the role of coverage of celebrities in the media and their impact on various aspects of public attention and channel consumption. Some argue that such reports are trivial and absurd, while others assert that they play a significant role in leisure and public engagement. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance between the relevance of celebrity information and its potential impact is crucial for a well-rounded media landscape.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the cost of staying in upscale accommodations and its impact on various aspects of personal finances and vacation experiences. Some argue that such expenditures are a waste of money, citing reasons such as the availability of more affordable lodging options and the transient nature of vacations, while others assert that the experience and amenities provided by luxurious establishments justify the expense. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance Between lavish and reasonable lodgings is crucial for optimal holiday enjoyment and financial responsibility.
Ecotourism, defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, has become an essential component of sustainable tourism. As the global awareness of environmental issues grows, ecotourism presents numerous benefits, both for the environment and local communities. This essay will explore the advantages of ecotourism and suggest ways to enhance its popularity.
In this modern era, many individuals find themselves trapped in poverty due to poor financial management and uncontrolled spending. Good financial management is essential for the new generation to ensure they continue to evolve and sustain their lives in the future. This essay will discuss why frugal living is far more important than impulsive buying.
Due to the recent increase in interest in advertising, a lot of companies are trying to create or speculate that their products have some brand-new features. I believe that the two main reasons for it are higher competition than before and the desire to create a unique product that will differ from others. This approach has cons and pros; in this essay, I will elaborate more on this and provide factual information to prove my point.
According to some individuals, if seniors have chances to access great healthcare systems and socialize with others, they will be in the best shape. Nevertheless, the opposite is the case nowadays all around the world. This essay will look at the primary causes of this and suggest some positive solutions to this problem.
Cities have always been an engine of development worldwide, attracting people and resources, but nowadays the pace of change Is Increasing rapidly. As a result, modern society is now more urbanized than at any time in its history. In this essay, I will argue that the benefits to society mostly outweigh the drawbacks.
It seems that young criminals have increased these days throughout the world for several reasons. While this is a serious problem, I firmly believe that there would be causes and it can certainly be solved in some ways.
Wild animals are kept in zoos all over the world. However, these places are tourist attractions in many countries and need wild fauna to attract visitors. I believe that wild creatures should not be kept in zoos and there should be alternative ways to see them.
In some countries, children under 16 years old are prohibited by law from leaving school and taking up full-time work. Some believe this policy creates inequality, while others argue it is necessary to prevent significant future problems. In this essay, I will discuss both views and present my opinion.
The world has 195 countries, and each of them is unique. However, over the years through globalization, people have been picking out each country's distinctive ways of living, such as the way they dress, eat, and even entertain their citizens. Some might see disadvantages in the loss of diversity in countries, nevertheless, in this essay I will show why having similar trends has some benefits.
In current educational discussions, there is a divergence regarding whether children should learn all subjects in school or concentrate solely on subjects they excel in or find compelling. This essay will explore both viewpoints before presenting my own.
Technology and the internet have interacted in everything these days. Of course, reading has also been affected by them, as the traditional use of manual books has become lesser and online reading is coming up. A number of readers think that this change will be beneficial in the future, while others believe it will result in bad consequences. This essay will consult some statistics and experiences to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this paradigm shift.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the integration of digital tools and their impact on various aspects of interaction in professional settings. Some argue that modern advancements negatively affect interpersonal interactions, citing reasons such as diminished face-to-face engagement and increased misunderstandings, while others assert that these innovations enhance efficiency and connectivity. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance between traditional methods and technological advancements is crucial for optimal professional functionality.
The moving to big centres trend has sparked heated social debate since public housing is no longer able to store people flocking over looking for job opportunities. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss some of the main reasons and propose solutions to this pressing situation.
In some nations, youngsters are enlightened that competition holds a significant importance and that reaching the ultimate goals is a victory from the early years of their life. Teaching children to be competitive might help them succeed in the near future. However, I believe that this notion might lead to young people prioritizing winning over learning pivotal values in life.
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