IELTS Writing Samples Band 7.5

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Nowadays, there is a debate about sports and who should involved in the sports team. They believe if teams integrate with professionals, such as nutritionists and doctors, they will enhance their abilities. A wide range of them assume that it will benefit them. While others are convinced that it is a privilege for them and not all of them are able to bring professions. I strongly agree with the statement about adding a specialist. In this essay, I will elaborate on my viewpoint.
In this epoch of competition, having your work tagged with your name will always accentuate and receive recognition for your efforts towards your research from the population. Having some stringent policies will undoubtedly bring an avalanche of benefits to society and the nation. In addition to this, these kinds of rules can influence others as well to develop new skills and use them to furnish exceptional tasks in their respective domains. The essay will discuss the banes and boons in detail.
Some people think the government should be responsible for caring for the elderly because they have contributed enough to society when they were young. Meanwhile, some people believe that family members should do that. I think family responsibility should look after their grandparents.
These days, a number of children are encountering more pressures from academic, social and financial problems. one of the main reasons for this is the influence of social media leading to peer pressure and unrealistic standards. To tackle this issue, children should not spend too much time on social media.
There is no denying that the number of people who agree with spending a large sum of money on constructing new railways land for very fast trains between cities increasing. However, some people argue that money should be spent on improving existing public transport. I am going to discuss both views.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the importance of sharing problems with others and its impact on various aspects of personal and professional life. Some argue that discussing issues is beneficial, citing reasons such as emotional support and diverse perspectives, while others assert that keeping problems to oneself is more effective. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance between sharing and privacy is crucial for optimal personal well-being.
A gradual decrease in the quality of people's well-being is becoming a topic of concern amongst the masses, and it is predicted to keep falling. The essay strongly agrees that a rising number of health issues is associated with increased environmental issues and the lack of conscious healthy choices in modern life.
Students nowadays have many options at university; they can choose to study a minor subject alongside their main subject. Some believe that it is beneficial for students to gain additional knowledge, while others argue that it is more important to focus entirely on their main subject to obtain a qualification.
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, searching for non-renewable energy supplies has been seriously rising across the world. Some scientists support exploring new regions of the globe to locate more petroleum, while others are against this strategy. I totally disagree with the idea of searching for more of these kinds of power resources. In this essay, I will refer to some studies to explain the dangerous effects of digging for more petroleum.
These days, the presence of tourists has become a problematic issue in local areas. While some people claim that tourism should be restricted in some areas, others contend that setting limitations on tourism is not a viable solution ,due to, cause some disadvantages for local people.I believe that the benefits of tourism far outweigh the drawbacks.
Arguing to create a school’s policy is important today. The public says that students should be included in making rules at school. Others believe that producing the policy is the responsibility of teachers or parents. I think that youngsters must be involved in establishing some policies at school in order to improve their abilities.
People have differing views about the advantages of engaging in discrete types of sports. some argue that it is more profitable to take part in solitary activities While others including myself consider group exercises to be better for participating.
In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of individuals relocating away from their friends and families to pursue employment opportunities. This trend has sparked a debate on whether the advantages of such moves outweigh the disadvantages. While there are undeniable benefits, the drawbacks are significant and, in many cases, may outweigh the positive aspects.
Globetrotting has increased markedly over the last few decades. While some individuals believe that travellers should practice local customs and traditions of visiting places, others oppose this idea. Nonetheless. I subscribe to the former view; in my perspective, there are enormous benefits that result from such adaptations which facilitate honing social skills as well as fostering learning techniques.
There is a notion that states large public areas such as squares and parks should be erected in all areas of a country. This is an opinion I strongly agree with as I think it would encourage unity among people and it will aid the improvement of surrounding areas.
Nowadays with the abundance of different inventions, we can notice a very clear fad, that a lot of young people rely too much on their smartphones, computers and tablets; to the extent, that they often over-depend on contemporary devices. Consequently, this observation raises a very important question: "Are we, as humans, becoming so addicted to technologies that we start forgetting some basic skills?" In this essay, we will try to answer this question.
Nowadays, we can witness that a lot of creative professions are gaining more and more popularity among young adults, for example, YouTubers, musicians, writers, and designers, and in most cases, they are quite successful and earn a significant amount of money. However, not everyone can be an artist, and I firmly believe that this parental behavior will not bring any good results and will only have negative consequences.
In this day and age, it is thought that individual greed and selfishness have been the basis of modern society and some individuals think that people must return to the older and more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community to create a better world in order to live in. I partly agree with the statement, and reasons for my viewpoint will be mentioned in this essay.
In today's fast-paced world, a growing number of individuals are foregoing saving in favour of extensive spending, raising the question of whether this constitutes a positive or negative trend. This phenomenon has both positive and negative implications, which are worth examining in detail.
The way to solve environmental problems for modern society is a lack of amenities for future generations. In this essay, I will discuss reasons for which I agree with this statement and provide relevant examples to support environmental solutions.
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