IELTS Writing Samples Band 7.5

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The internet’s rise to popularity has profoundly impacted every facet of our lives, including education, leading some to suggest that virtual learning should replace traditional textbooks. From my perspective, I strongly disagree with this view due to concerns about children’s health and the inherent limitations and drawbacks of the internet.
Education on how to be a positive member of society is believed by some individuals to be the responsibility of parents , whereas others assume that seminars are the best sites to learn this . As far as I am concerned, academies should play a crucial role.
In a plethora of communities, a majority of them believe that spending time with peers after work and on weekends will help them engage in better relationships. Meanwhile, others think separating friends from work and private life is a perfect choice to avoid fewer judgements. In this case, I will explain both views clearly in the following paragraphs from my personal experiences.
Technological advancements have led children to become couch potatoes and a discussion is making rounds on this topic, suggesting that children should participate more in sports than playing video games on computers. I completely agree with the statement that the young generation should be encouraged to play more physical games because it leads to the holistic development of a child. The essay will discuss more advantages of physical activities.
Nowadays, museums and historical sites are mainly visited by foreigners rather than local tourists. One of the reasons for this is the lack of knowledge and interest on the side of local citizens, and to increase local visitors, advertisements, special coupons and school education focused on locals are effective because these activities will provoke awareness of museums and historical sites in local areas.
Creativity is a mother of innovation which tends people to think, sketch, and post various ideas, relying on their interests. Also, it is believed that artists should be given the freedom to express their ideas and feelings through creations, such as poems, songs and films. But, conversely, I am strongly against this conception owing to the fact that it can be the cause of violence and lasting emotional responses.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of individuals discussing the role of technology in education and its impact on various aspects of life. Some argue that integrating more digital tools in schools is essential, citing reason such as improved engagement , while others assert that an overreliance on these tools may have detrimental effects on students' interpersonal. In this essay, it will be argued that a balance between traditional teaching methods and technological integration is crucial for optimal societal development.
Right from the beginning it's always thought that exercise done in groups rather than alone can help people to grow much faster and also develop critical skills, that would be helpful for them in future life. I completely agree with this opinion. The essay will discuss on advantages of group activities, such as developing leadership skills and a non-selfish attitude.
The contentious debate about the primary benefit of international cooperation focuses on whether it lies in enhancing environmental conservation or fostering global business prosperity. This essay delves into the influences of multinational collaboration on both aspects and explains why I believe the protection of the environment is the most significant benefit.
Nowadays, numerous individuals insist that they have to choose large companies when they seek a job. I completely agree with this statement in terms of the advantages of career development and the positive impact on their lifestyle.
It is true that ages differences have led to competition in the past years when the elderly have to compete with young adults. This essay attempts to shed light on the problems which have resulted from this tendency before outlining several viable solutions that should be adopted to tackle this issue.
It is common knowledge that many children and teenagers today are overweight and unhealthy. This trend poses serious health risks and needs immediate attention. This essay will discuss the reasons behind the rise in obesity among young people and propose solutions to address this issue.
It is common knowledge that students are becoming increasingly reliant on technology. While this trend offers benefits, it also brings significant problems. This essay will discuss the main issues associated with excessive reliance on computers and propose possible solutions.
Besides working until an older age in order to pay for their retirement, there is an alternative which is starting to work at a younger time. This essay will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of this viewpoint and my perspective will be illustrated in the conclusion.
It is almost obvious to everyone what activity is safe or not and also experts have been highlighted it. However, a noticeable number of people ignore the advice and even believe in doing whatever they want. This essay will examine the underlying causes of this problem before suggesting viable solutions to address it.
Art is often perceived as an expression of beauty, yet to claim that all art must be aesthetically pleasing to hold value is a narrow viewpoint. I strongly disagree with this notion, as the value of art extends beyond mere appearance. Art is inherently subjective, with its significance lying in diverse interpretations and emotional resonance rather than universal standards of beauty.
It is argued that the government should bear the medical expenses of its citizens, while others believe that the individuals are themselves responsible for covering the costs, However, I strongly believe that it is the state's duty to provide medical care to people free of charge.
Nowadays, teaching methods in universities have been one of the most popular topics. Some say that pupils should be free to choose their major, while others counter that they should only study in areas that will have an impact on the future. This essay will make the case that students' passion should be prioritized despite the benefit of having a stable job by advancing in specific fields.
It is thought by some people assume that further education has to be funded by the authorities, while others think that it should be a personal responsibility. In this essay, I will explain clearly about the topics with my opinions.
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