IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In the last few years, it has become very popular to go abroad to get a university degree after graduating from school, college or university, whereas, previous generations have preferred to study in their local universities. In this essay, I would like to describe the benefits and drawbacks of this development.
In this modern world, technological advancements in the field of media and communication have brought many significant changes in society. Many developments have been noticed soon after the introduction of social networking sites. As per the given statement, It has been argued by many people that these networking sites mostly have negative impacts on any person and society. I do not completely agree with this opinion and will discuss my points in this essay.
In this day and age, public opinions remain divided on whether funding should be allocated to the healthcare system instead of environmental protection or not. While I support government spending on the environment, the importance of human well-being is undeniable.
The twentieth century is an era where everybody can go to their devices and find any information that they need. This is something positive for some topics, but it is bringing some negative points. Such as, sick people feeling free to start taking medications by themselves without consulting with an expert. I think that this action brings multiple disadvantages to society. I will explain, why I think this way in the following paragraph.
It is observed that both parents and teachers push their children to do hard work to achieve good results in life. The essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the phenomenon and in my opinion, while being hard-working has its benefits, I believe that they are outweighed by the drawbacks.
Careers such as medicine and engineering are taught around the world. Those are the most important professions; therefore, some countries are debating whether to keep those professionals in their own countries or let them go to practice somewhere else. Both views are correct, however, in my opinion, those people should be able to perform those wherever they want to go. I will explain this in the following paragraphs.
There has been an increase in the number of complaints related to sleep quality. People these days are not getting sufficient sleep due to work and lifestyle changes. In this essay, I will discuss some of the issues a lack of sleep may bring, and suggest some solutions.
Nowadays, more and more children are spending their free time playing video games .This essay will discuss the main problems associated with this action and propose some possible solutions.
These days,an increasing number of individuals who suffer from health issues prefer to use traditional medicines and treatments rather than going to the doctor.In my opinion,I think this a positive development that can help in saving money and having fewer side effects.
It is considered among individuals that high schools should force students to do community service freely as a part of their program. I strongly disagree with that statement due to the fact that schools are created to improve their abilities not use them as unpaid labourers which is time-wasting for them. Moreover, community services are part of the government's duties and they can hire applicant students and pay them to do these works.
Globalization and industrialization lead the earth's environment to some alarming level, where waste is a big challenge. In the last few decades, people have produced more garbage than in the past. This essay will demonstrate how the community affected by these and what are the possible solutions to be taken.
The majority of people argue that helping children who cannot read and comprehend basic education classes to achieve a brighter future would enable them to pursue even the most challenging careers, such as becoming doctors, teachers, and actors, as long as they have the willpower. In this essay, I will present my perspective on why I agree with this topic and provide a conclusion.
It cannot be denied that we are facing an era of upsurging technological advances. Undoubtedly, these developments grant more practical access to a plethora of things including exhibitions. Nonetheless, I firmly disagree that technology can completely replace physical exposition and this essay will elucidate the matter.
It is a perception that ladies should concentrate more on babysitting rather than adopting professional careers in their lives because they manage their kids in a better manner. I strongly disagree with this idea of gender suppression as raising kids is not gender gender-related job and would result in the economic fall of the current economy. This essay will discuss the impact of women's elimination from professional jobs for the sake of their children look after.
A few individuals assert that people can learn more from their life experiences rather than reading books. I totally agree with this notion that experience holds a vital role in a person's life as it is the greatest tutor that helps people to learn time management and the reality of life.
In the modern contemporary era, technological development plays a significant role in facilitating the human lifestyle. There are less amount of people who buy hard copies of articles and printed works because of they will be able to read all the things they want electronic platform without cost. I completely agree with the statement and the essay discuss how this is so crucial things to reducing spending money to buy books or newspaper.
It is clear that if you focus on some lessons, you will understand them better, rather than study on a lot of books. However, it should not be forgotten that if you just keep some books you will lose some important lessons. Furthermore , There are some pros and cons for both of them. As a result, I going to write an article to explain the advantages and disadvantages impact of this issue on the community's life.
In recent years, more people concerned about the ownership of their properties. Thus, in some countries, residents prefer to buy a place rather than renting it. In this essay, I will explain the reasons behind this issue and then delineate its effects on the community.
There are some examples that some criminals serving sentences in prison reintegrating into society successfully to become good citizens, which makes some people realize that they are the best candidates for teenagers to be conscious of the dangers of committing crimes. It seems to me that this could be feasible to discourage the young generation from violating laws.
In many nations, people are searching for more information about their accommodations. Several measurements are considered to know about the purposes and history of their living places.
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