IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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It is argued that animal extinction is a natural process, so humans have no justifiable reason to avert it. I disagree with this notion.
Nowadays, healthcare is one of the most essential things in the world. Some people believe that their health depends on suggestions from doctors, so they do not keep their good physical condition by themselves. Although there are several problems, there will be a variety of possible solutions to overcome them.
In the past 50 years technologies have made a huge leap forward and have penetrated into many aspects of our lives. This has led to the division of society into 2 groups: those who believe that these changes are beneficial in many ways, while others are worried about our dependence on innovations. In this essay, I will discuss both opinions and share my outlook.
Lacking money is an issue for some, which leads to the opinion that the sole purpose behind working diligently is to earn more money. I totally disagree with this notion and will give my rationale in this discussion.
It is often argued that we should knock down old buildings and build modern ones because too much money has been spent looking after and repairing them. Although it is true that one can spend a lot of money to restore and look after the old buildings, I strongly disagree that we should just destroy them and build a new one instead.
There are conflicting views on whether individuals after graduating should land a job in small-size groups or large-scale ones. Although almost all people are fond of working for popular and big corporates, it is sensible that at the initial stages after graduation, graduates seek jobs at small-size companies.
It is believed that modern innovations have changed the lives of people significantly due to the fact that it is becoming more convenient for consumers to purchase certain products. Personally, I strongly agree with this statement because I ponder that various machines have affected the way in which individuals do shopping.
Global warming has worsened due to the activities of numerous industrial nations, primarily driven by factories and sweatshops. Nevertheless, this issue could be mitigated by applying a comprehensive approach.
Recently, there was an argument about whether the role of higher education is monumental for someone's success. While proponents believe that the debate is true, opponents opine the other way around. From my perspective, I strongly lean towards the advantages of a higher educational background since its contribution has been fundamental in our lives.
Recent years have witnessed a significant increase in the youth crime rate, causing widespread concern among the public. Under such circumstances, some contend that parents should be responsible or even punished for their children's actions. Personally, I hold a different perspective on this opinion and I believe that teenage lawbreakers should take all accountability for their offences.
Due to the complexity of processes within some companies, they have to hire people with specific attitudes and capabilities. While professional skills are vital in order to produce quality products or services there are positions and activities which require some specific personal features. I will bring some seasons and compare both approaches in the following paragraphs.
It is of the opinion that the preservation of wildlife has accounted for too much time and resources. Personally, I hold a different perspective on this notion. In this essay, I will explain my justification in detail.
It is thought by certain groups that different kinds of vehicles will be replaced by driverless systems. Since various benefits have witnessed in this trend, I personally suggest that the advantages are outweigh the disadvantages.
It is true that technology has significant improvements in many aspects these days. A certain part of individuals suggest that the most essential target for technology ought to enhance human lives. I completely agree with this statement since technology not only can facilitate the medical environment but also benefit the agricultural sector in many terms.
It is said that social networks have multiple platforms for updating events occurring globally. In my opinion, they should use social networking sites to connect with their community. In this article, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social media applications.
Instead of funding roads, governments should invest in railroads. I completely agree because this is a good decision for the public. In my, opinion there are two reasons.
The globalization and astonishing invention of the internet have had a great impact on learning methods. Although nowadays the majority of pupils have used the internet to learn and acquire the required information, libraries have their own importance in providing resources. I partially agree with the above notion and my reasons for the inclination are articulated in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, not many students tend to pursue science subjects at a higher level of education. This essay will explain the reasons along with the effects on society.
Some are of the opinion that homeschooling ought to be prohibited due to its disadvantages, whereas others believe that it has several advantages. In my opinion, I consider that homeschooling is a great educational method which can benefit both parents and students.
At present, the bill continues to be a controversial topic, most individuals firmly believe that cash is saved via a bank or institution of capital, however, others feel capital ought to be spent if it is available. There are valid arguments on both sides, which I will discuss now.
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