IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nowadays, there is an increasing number of advertisements in order to increase the companies' sales. In my view, this trend should be perceived as a negative trend. In this essay, I will propose some strategies to make valuable advertisements and some reasons for their bad influence.
The tendency of global tourism has created the concern of its negative impacts on a nation by the locals. This essay will discuss the potential causes of this problem before suggesting recommendations that can be made to change this negative attitude towards international travellers.
In this contemporary epoch, the idea of safeguarding the earth for the next generations has been gaining ground recently. Whilst environmentalists hold the view that authorities should deal with environmental matters as their main concern, opponents have a diverse perspective. I am of the belief that saving our planet should be our prime objective.
The popularity of extreme sports has sparked a profound debate among the public. Some contend that these games should be prohibited due to safety issues, whereas others believe that people should be free to do any sports activity. In this essay, both sides will be explored, followed by my opinion.
People are disputing whether aqua or oil and gold are the most prominent natural resources in the World. While fossil fuel and precious metals are widely used in various industries and trading purposes water is vital not only for the human population but for all living too. In the following paragraphs, I will expand on both approaches and bring a couple of examples.
In comparison with other forms of transport, cycling would be an environmentally friendly approach. There are a a variety of reasons behind the lack of publicity and some steps, which can be considered to improve that.
It is widely believed that people shouldn’t pay any taxes and they have to keep all of the money that they earn. Personally, I completely disagree with this point of view for a variety of reasons.
The usage of social media has been increasing rapidly since this century. Some people believe this growing trend has a detrimental impact on face-to-face communication, whereas I believe contracting via these tools has significant benefits.
Nature is one of the places that attract many tourists around the world. Although they are often doing inappropriate things towards nature, I believe that they contribute a lot to the locals' economy.
It is crucial for juveniles to understand the differences between right and wrong when they are very young. Punishing is an important way to help them find out more about the distinctions. I completely agree with this statement and believe that some punishments are necessary during upbringing.
Peer pressure refers to the influence young people experience within the same age group, affecting their behaviours. In my opinion, cohorts do have more positive impact than negative on adolescents and young adults.
In most countries, individuals have to pay for medical treatment however, others believe that it must be free of charge from the government and provide their people with the best of health care. It is good to facilitate the people and consider their health as the first priority but doing so may also lead many governments to face financial crises. I will discuss all these in my essay below.
Nowadays, young generation focus on different activities like working as a volunteer in settings. A number of folk loves to give their short period to the public who required it such as giving lectures, building houses etc. I believe there are several particular reasons like providing aid to them and the following paragraphs will expatiate both stances with lucid examples.
Wealthier nations are in great efforts to support poorer ones in solving famine by providing them with financial support. However, it is of the opinion that this type of help does not work, therefore, more effective alternatives are required. Personally, I am inclined to agree with this notion.
There has been an argument about whether technology has had a huge impact on humans' contemporary lives or not. I believe everybody would agree that we are living in a technologically advanced world where every nation is spending a lot on cutting-edge innovations and therefore, it is safe to say that these advances have now become an important part of our lives. Moreover, with the advent of computers, it did not take computer scientists a long time to create the Internet which almost everybody has access to nowadays. Furthermore, we were introduced to artificial intelligence which has revolutionized our lives.
In today's modern era, mechanism plays a crucial role in our daily schedule. Some argue that advancements in machinery have made life more complicated, suggesting that the only way to simplify lifestyle is to completely avoid using technology. Although automation can make life more complex in some ways, it has also simplified many aspects of our lives. This essay will explore my perspective on this issue before reaching a final conclusion.
Social media has now proven to be one of the biggest parts of our lives. Some regard it as an indispensable tool, while others feel concerned about its impact on our social lives. This essay will delve into the positive and negative sides of social applications, as well as provide examples and arguments on why I personally believe that the disadvantages overshadow the benefits of the indicated development.
In numerous societies, household chores are shared between spouses because both of them are working long hours. In my opinion, I wholeheartedly agree with this idea as it is essential to support each other.
Due to the development of modernisation, governments allow real estate companies to build more skyscrapers in the city area. Some individuals argue that this condition creates loneliness and displeasure for certain groups of folks. I agree with someone who opines that the construction of tall building apartments has its own benefits for society.
The globalization era, with the high advancement of logistics, promotes the penetration of some multinational retail corporations. Hence, small and medium local booths have to compete with foreign capital companies. Some people think that the corollary of the collapse of small managers is the death of local communities. I firmly believe that local society will thrive by receiving many benefits from this insane competition, so I don’t agree with this point of view.
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