IELTS Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In recent years, a noticeable trend has emerged in several nations, wherein a growing number of individuals are exhibiting keen interest in uncovering the historical significance of the houses or buildings they inhabit. This surge in curiosity can be attributed to several factors. Primarily, the desire to connect with the past and understand the lineage of one's dwelling plays a pivotal role in driving this inclination. By delving into the history of their homes, people seek to establish a sense of belonging and identity rooted in the narratives of previous occupants and the surrounding community. Moreover, the resurgence of architectural appreciation has fueled this trend. With an increased appreciation for craftsmanship and design, individuals are motivated to explore the origins of their residences, thereby gaining insight into the architectural evolution of their locality. Furthermore, the advent of technology has facilitated easy access to historical records and archives, enabl...
In this day and age, more companies are making attempts to recruit and retain the differences between the total of female and male employees to the least. However, in my opinion, it can be possible in some specific fields, and the overwhelming sum of males is inevitable in physical jobs.
A lot of people nowadays are drawn to buying branded things such as vehicles, clothes and bags. Some of the reasons behind this fad is because of the quality of luxury goods and the influence of famous artists and I think that this is a negative development because this can lead to debts.
The last 50 years have seen a dramatic increase in the relocation of people from the countryside to urban areas. Although there may be valid arguments to the contrary, in this essay, I would contend that the drawbacks associated with this trend are incomparable with the benefits. Two primary reasons for this are as follows.
Some argue that portable devices have made theatres redundant, while others claim that films need to be seen in a cinema in order to be fully appreciated. Both sides of the argument will first be elaborated on before explaining why, ultimately, I side with the latter.
Over the past decades, the number of overweight people has increased, and this trend is being observed nowadays. This essay will discuss the main reasons for this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.
It is evident that nowadays many children spend a lot of time using their smartphones. The variety of smartphones’ uses may contribute to this case and I feel that this is harmful to children’s health.
There are different attitudes towards the best approach to gaining a better job position among other applicants. While some people believe that obtaining a qualification from a university is the most significant factor in this regard, others argue that developing soft skills and having relevant experience play a vital role in receiving a better offer. In my opinion, all these matters differ from one job position to another.
Some workers are not exercising enough during their daily routine and some of them are developing health issues as a consequence. This essay discusses the reasons behind this phenomenon and the solutions to the matter.
International sporting games are the principal chance for viewers to enjoy their favourite sports, the king sport like football is not an exception. Besides that, when a famous and huge undertaking happens, it contributes to the hosting countries not only gaining massive positive aspects but also disadvantages mentioned in this essay.
At present, I am grateful and feel blessed to say that I am currently not facing any significant health issues. My commitment to maintaining optimal health is evident through my active participation in sports, particularly basketball, from elementary school to high school. Throughout the pandemic and continuing until now, I have made a deliberate effort to prioritize physical activity by ensuring I walked over 10,000 steps on weekend mornings.
It is argued that wild animals should not be protected anymore, since they have no place in the 21st century. This essay totally disagrees with this statement. I believe that these living beings are essential for our planet. Additionally, they have the same right to live as humans.
The number of fathers staying at home taking care of their children has significantly increased in the past few years. I will discuss the reasons behind this phenomenon and why I think it is a positive development.
Climate change is one of the largest challenges that people face in this century. However, this is a controversial topic due to the varying opinions of differing groups. One mode of thought, which prevails in the popular mood, is for the onset of renewables on an industrial scale. Contrastingly, others believe fossil fuels are necessary to maintain the current economic system. In my opinion, the use of sustainable sources should be given priority.
In life education and sports play an important role. However, some parents argue that parents should urge their children to engage in more physical activity rather than studying academic subjects. I completely agree with this notion and the reasons for my opinion will be illustrated in the forthcoming paragraph with relevant illustrations.
It is sometimes argued that parents should convince their kids to take the time to do physical activities rather than study. Personally, I completely agree with the statement for several reasons which will be given out in this essay.
In recent times, the number of people who tend to run their own businesses has increased significantly. This is owing to the fact that job independence brings great benefits to the owner in terms of economic aspects and having a flexible timetable. I would argue that this trend has its own disadvantages which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
It is true that some traditional beliefs upheld by older generations are no longer pertinent for the younger generation's preparation for contemporary life. While I agree that certain conventional ideas have become obsolete, I believe that many traditional values continue to hold significance and should be respected in the present day.
In recent times, we can find that many global firms are growing more rapidly than before. Some people suggest that this phenomenon is bad progress while I personally believe that the progress of international corporations should not be deemed as a negative fact.
Migration of people is a widespread phenomenon throughout the world and is usually associated with concomitant problems.The rural population around the world in many countries is decreasing since people are moving to neighbouring cities, causing significant changes of previously unseen proportions. In my opinion, people moving out of rural areas is a negative development and this essay will present arguments demonstrating the same.
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