IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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It is a known fact that most people use drugs. However, an increasing number of youths are involved with medicine misuse these days. This has almost become an epidemic situation in the world.
Nowadays, some part of community affairs are derivative from issues that students take in high school. Some individuals think that voluntary social programs such as charity affairs, developing neighbourhood or work at the gym should be mandatory in high schools for youngsters. I personally agree with the given statements on the basis of learning, social behaviour and encounter with hard situations.
Marketing strategies as well as promotional works are essential for the success of an agency, although many other reasons are there. I partially agree with the statement and later on I will give some examples related to it.
It is true that the consumption of alcohol affects the decision making power of the brain. Pertaining to the number of crimes committed under the influence of booze, leads many people to think that a ban on it will improve the social situation. I do not agree with this view.
Arguments over how to best improve education systems have been going on since the practice of teaching began. The idea that young students should be allowed to openly criticize their teachers in an effort to better an education system is considered preposterous and I agree. The alternatives of altered school scheduling and teacher monitoring through video will be analysed for viability.
The issue of whether ecological concern contributes to the human adversity has become a controversy over about the contemporary society. Despite the global degradation of the ecosystem, the law has not sanctioned the perpetrators. Personally, I entirely agree for a several reasons.
Nowadays, we are residing in a technology-based region. A number of individuals hold the assumption that we underestimate singers and connoisseurs while the citizens who are adroit in technology and science are bestowed cordially. I completely agree with the view and put forward evidences as to why our area exerts such things.
Different species of living beings are being increasingly bred in various parts of the world, due to many known reasons. Some individuals think that these living creatures need to be made use of, for the gain of mankind, while others believe that these animals have the exact equal rights to live on the planet, just like any other homo sapiens. In this essay, I will discuss the merits and de-merits of both these arguments and discuss why it is important to not harm or utilise the animals for our own good.
The rate of violence everywhere is increasing dramatically. Some individuals think that the best path to answer it is by educating people, on how to better raise their kids. In this essay, I will discuss the limitations of better parenting techniques and the other ways that the society can adopt to make it a safer place to live.
In this era of the digital world, traditional professions as musicians and painters not so popular as it was before. More and more people, even creative and talented, try to apply themselves into more technological areas. Nevertheless, there are certain things related to the artists, that are impossible to create in the technical laboratories by scientists. Certainly, the area of art must be encouraged both by governments and by the people.
The issue of foreigners paying more for cultural and historical visits is widely debated in todays world. In my view, it is not clear whether the visitors should be changed more or not when visiting the local historical places, as I have different attitudes towards this issue.
The issue of whether the artwork contributes to the economy has become a controversy in the contemporary society. Despite the government have allotted funds on crafts, individuals are ought to allocate the budget in a more valuable projects. Personally, I entirely disagree for a number of reasons.
Whereas some people argue that some subjects should be optional for children, which find them hard, others claim that some subjects must be taught either way. In my opinion, although some children might face difficulties in learning some subjects, these topics should be compulsory.
It is argued by some, that all workers should wear uniforms at the job, while others support the opinion that it is not necessary. Admittedly, wearing formal or business specific clothes has its own advantages. However, in some cases, convenient and casual appearance of the employees brings more benefits. Personally, I believe that uniforms should be worn by staff, which are directly in contact with the customers, whereas for staff placed at the back office informal style is the best choice.
Over the recent years, people are travelling more frequently by flights due to drop in ticket prices, which caused raised in air pollution and noise levels. Some believe that, if governments start imposing high tariffs it could reduce air traffic significantly. I am a strong opponent of such practise as this will impact the tourism and make flight travel less affordable for the public.
The issue of whether television Sporting shows motivate the young people to play sport has become controversial in the contemporary society. Some people believe that these TV programs inspire the youth, specifically teenagers to exercise through famous athletes and great successful people. Personally, I entirely disagree for a number of reasons.
Nowadays, there is an increasing number of subjects being introduced in universities throughout the world, in particular related to science and technology. While some people argue that students should make their own choice of subject, others consider that they should only choose subjects that will be helpful in the future. There are valid views on both sides, which I will discuss now.
In the modern world, throwing parties can be challenging for its organizers. However, there is an opinion that it can create a new society, which is more organized and cheerful. Personally, I reckon that celebrations’ number should be limited in order to make a conscious society.
Nowadays, employees have been pushed to endeavour harder and longer in some developing countries. Hence, several countries have enacted laws to restrict working hours. There are numerous motives why the law is needed, which I will discuss in this essay. I believe that restricting the number of hours worked is a positive development for everyone.
In recent times, the consumption of sugar-based drinks have increased drastically by the people, which might deter their health. This essay will discuss the potential causes of the above notion, along with the remedies to curb it.
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