IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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It is certain that the considerable increasing urban population leads to serious problems. There are several negative points for this problem, and various measures can be tackled by the governments and individuals to improve the situation.
It is certainly that dramatic considerable increasing the urban population leads to serious problems. There are several reasons for this problem, and various measures can be taken by the government and individuals to improve the situation.
It is certainly that dramatically increasing the urban population leads to serious problems. There are several reasons for this problem, and various measures can be taken by the governments and individuals to improve the situation.
Setting of an appropriate driving age has become a controversial issue in the major nations of the world, such as the USA and UK.While it is thought by many that the youth of 18 years is the perfect one, others believe that the minimum should be made 25.This essay intends to delve into both sides of the argument in depth.
Whether or not tourists acquire something during their itinerary has become a controversial issue.While a vast majority of people are of the opinion that acquisition by visitors is negligible, there are some who opine that they grasp a variety of things throughout their visit.This essay will discuss both sides of the argument in depth.
In these recent decades, information has been become a valuable resource for many industries. Likewise, the employers were starting to demand many personal data from the candidates to make their decision. From my point of view, the employee could acquire this information for their personal judgement with some conditions to protect these candidate privacy. Analysing the benefits and losses from losing these privacy and employment matters will prove this.
In today’s era, many people are suffering from the obesity which is the result of fast food and sedentary lifestyle. To manage this some people, say that the regime should apply a high tax on such items to manage the health issues. I strongly support this view which helps as individuals and the government as well.
It is often argued that decreasing the demands of transportation is the only key to suppress city congestion. In my opinion, I partly agree with the ideas of reducing people's need to travel, but it is not the only solution for traffic.
Undoubtedly, these days, it is often argued that government spends a large part of its budget not only on art, but also on public service. I fully agree with this fact that although art is considerable for people, administrations must spend all their money on social services. In turn, this essay will discuss why spending in public service is more significant than that of different kinds of art such as music and theatre.
With an increase in the crime-rate in big cities, the government has ramped up security measures here which some people believe has drawbacks. This essay will argue that the benefits of these efforts outweigh the disadvantages. This essay will first explain that these measures have discouraged criminals and allowed people to explore public spaces more safely, followed by how the argument that it intervenes with their freedom is not as extreme.
Nutritional value of foods is an important thing to be considered before purchasing food items. Therefore, some individuals have an opinion that the government should lower the prices of healthy foodstuffs to promote a thriving lifestyle, while there are others who think that taxes should be imposed on junk foods to reduce their consumption. In this essay, I will discuss both the views and give my opinion in the end.
Many governments are spending a lot of money on maintaining and repairing historic buildings. So they should be demolished and we should build new ones instead. I completely disagree with this point of view. In this essay I will consider the reasons and provide my own opinion.
Raising children has become an important aspect of anyone's life. There are sections of society who believes that the kids need to be brought up by all family members and not just their parents. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of it and the limitations of raising the young minds by the parents alone.
It is undeniable truth that the ecosystem in all over the globe is dangerously affected by the exploitation of mankind. Some intellectuals opine that this practice will never change, whereas others consider that the preventive actions by human being could bring the positive results. This essay will discuss both the views, along with my opinion in the following paragraphs.
Interestingly, most of the prominent jobs globally are executed by males. Some individuals think that the authorities need to interfere for categorising a certain percentage of these jobs to females. In this essay, I will discuss the merits and de-merits of categorising certain jobs for women and explain why it cannot be a good solution.
Nowadays, everyone wants to have a free will and there is a sharp increase in the number of couples who do not want to bear children. This trend has both benefits and hardships for the individuals and the society.
People living in cities are increasing rapidly these days.While the quality of life in metropolitans is diminishing gradually. This essay will discuss causes and solutions for decreasing better growth in urban areas.
These days, nothing has been so much debated as the government's role in supporting health care. There are some nations that offer a free medical assistance, whereas others countries think that it is as individual's responsibility. This essay will discuss both the sides of this argument before coming to a reasoned conclusion.
These days, people in modern life increasingly overload because of working too much. However, overloads has lead to many issues. There are two main problems, limitation in both physical and mental and being a positive person. Possible solutions would be spending hours on outdoor activities and look on the bright side.
It is a known fact that most people use drugs. However, an increasing number of youths are involved with medicine misuse these days. This has almost become an epidemic situation in the world.
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