IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Some people believe that living in big cities can be extremely beneficial compared to rural areas, while others think the disadvantages outweigh all the benefits. It is argued which way of living is better. This essay will shed some light on the issue and highlight the main pros and cons.
Some people are debating over whether there should be free public accommodation in most big cities. This essay will provide a positive and negative side of freeing public transportation fees.
Nowadays, cultural globalization can be seen throughout the world. In the most recent times, around the world people contribute in the same dressing fashion along with advertising, food habits and TV channels. However, there are both pros and cons to deciding this. In this essay, I will discuss some of the reasons why cultural globalization is best and some of the challenges to be overcome.
People opt to whether in the center of the city or rural area to establish their own company for several reasons. Remote places may have competitively affordable prices that establishments can offer some other specific services or consider the budget they possess. A part of the firms' choice to set up in the city's heart would trigger more clients or consumers to prefer to visit there because the services they provide are handy. In that case, we will discuss both sides in the following paragraphs.
It is argued that our communities and industrial situation need to be changed, or keep doing traditional life. Also, this discussion is one of the longest differences between the opinions of right and left-wing. Additionally, a crucial thing to know about anybody's idea in politics is his position on changes and innovation. So, we should weigh the advantages and disadvantages of any side.
Salary : high salary: high quality Salary and business perks Workplaces' policies and salaries of individuals play a vital role in workers' contentment. It is only equitable to have those feelings because not only do they spend significant portion of the time at work but also authorities' unequivocally support those sentiments. To begin with, salary package and employment-related perks are the major contributer for employees' satisfaction. The wages that are sufficient to address basic and recreational needs alike, results in the better quality of life for workforces; therefore, give rise to the positive sentiments among employees pertaining to their profession. Similarly, work-based privileges will also achieve the same. For example, free medical care would make many professionals happy as opposed to those whose businesses do not offer such services. With that being said, it is also justified to yearn for professional-related happiness because apart from government policies, th...
Today, a lot of people engage in self-employment other than working for a company or an organization. There are many reasons to explain why it is trending among people as the perks outweigh the disadvantages.
These days, the world is heading towards a borderless state to trade and exchange messages. Although this process can potentially threaten local candidates in the job market, I personally believe that globalisation has more merits than setbacks in terms of boosting exports and campaigning tourism.
In recent times, people have been offered an adequate way to continue their studies in other countries. However, in the previous period, most of the students were likely to get their bachelor's degree in their own nation due to the limited access to information at that time. This essay will discuss both factors in subsequent paragraphs.
In recent years, it has been a highly debate issue whether personal information data should be held on computers by numerous corporations in many countries. While this trend has several benefits for both private enterprises and state-owned enterprises. Personally, I am convinced that its drawbacks are far more significant.
Since flight has become cheaper and more modern, it is easier for people to go overseas these days. Because there are so many foreign people in a country and they need to communicate with local people, English plays an important role in it. If this pattern continues for the following years, some people think English might be the one and only language in this world. This phenomenon actually has several upsides and downsides.
Recently, technology has become a massive movement in every aspect of our lives, including in the literature area. Books which not only provided in hardcopy but also in softcopy that can be sent and read to everyone who wants to read them. This phenomenon also affects the library revolution that will not require physical building more, instead, it will be provided online to access their book. It could make the library system more flexible, but might have a long-term effect on the reader’s eyesight and limit some people.
Peer influence, colloquially recognized as peer pressure, stands as a pervasive dynamic within the socio-ecological framework, casting its defining imprint upon the behavioral paradigms and life circumstances of juveniles. The present exposition aspires to undertake a rigorous exegesis to proffer perspicuity on whether the liabilities intrinsic to peer influence inordinately eclipse its boons.
It is generally acknowledged that humans choose to travel to different countries, as aviation is becoming more popular and less expensive every day. Thus, citizens are less interested in visiting their own local places. This essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of this statement.
Recently, people have been discussing problems related to unpaid work to support society. Some individuals point out that these jobs will help create different development for one area, while others claim that non-salary jobs do not have any beneficial rights for people who take them. This issue brings back various drawbacks rather than benefits for not only the young adults but also the community.
Public transportation is one of the primary concerns of authorities in big cities. Many people are convinced that public transport is necessary to manage the obstacles associated with urbanization. This essay will discuss both the pros and cons of this opinion.
It is believed that the advancement of social apps has changed the lifestyle of people immensely as it significantly attracts a larger audience, while it is true that every topic has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of social media outweigh the drawbacks. This essay will explore the various advantages of social apps and demonstrate why they hold greater significance compared to their disadvantages.
It is believed that the advancement of social apps has changed the lifestyle of people immensely as it significantly attracts a larger audience, while it is true that every topic has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of social media outweigh the drawbacks. This essay will explore the various advantages of social apps and demonstrate why they hold greater significance compared to their disadvantages.
In this contemporary era, a plethora of regions around the globe are experiencing significant changes to become more modern areas than before. Modernisation is an instrumental tool to improve people's ways of living. However, several severe physical problems have emerged as a result of the modern transportation system that directly affects people's health.
Nowadays it is a common scenario that, foods are imported from different sides of the world and consumed by customers. There are those who say that it would be better for the development of a country, while others believe that local foods and the economy are highly affected by these reasons. I presume that the benefit of this precautionary action would surpass its drawback to a major extent. My position is elaborated further with reasons and relevant examples.
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