IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In this era, there has been a growing tendency for people to prefer following live performances at home on electronic devices rather than joining the shows directly. As far as I am concerned, both sides are reasonable, but the latter is more certainly convincing. Within the scope of this writing, many arguments will be discussed carefully in thorough aspects to prove my present.
A great number of students who finish school decide to take a year break from their scholarly responsibilities. This is becoming a popular trend amongst youngsters. While the temporary abandonment of academic chores seems to have positive aspects, I agree with the view that students should keep on learning just after leaving school.
In some countries, the young population is more than the older. Some people consider this situation as an opportunity while others have some concerns about it. The writer believes that having a young generation is an opportunity if it is managed appropriately.
In this modern world, it is said that a plethora of young people from affluent countries are participating in unpaid activities such as teaching or building houses in poorer communities. This phenomenon brings great benefits to both the communities and the young; younger people can help decrease many global crises and gain social recognition, and the underdeveloped countries get education and shelter for their citizens.
Happiness is a predominant factor for living, and it is a subjective matter, then it can not be measured or defined accurately. However, facial expressions and people’s behaviours may be the factors which indicate happiness. This essay will discuss both aspects further.
It is a common belief that pupils are better off starting a business from the school age. Even though there are some adverse effects, the positive effects exceed them as they can get used to professional life at a young age.
People in many countries have a tendency to sample food from other nations, and typically, they develop a fondness for foreign cuisines rather than their native cuisine. From my perspective, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages since, as the culture grows, so will international travel.
Nowadays, official meetings are frequently conducted virtually. While online meetings offer obvious benefits, such as flexible schedules, and ease of holding urgent meetings, they are susceptible to challenges like lack of attention in non-office environments, or disruptions due to bad internet connectivity.
It's considered that good health is one of basic human needs. The question of whether private healthcare has more advantages or disadvantages is a complex issue that requires careful consideration of different factors. In my perspective there are more disadvantages than advantages when medical services are run by profit-making companies.
There is an increasing amount of debate among individuals, about whether it is best to invest money in erecting new railway lines for rapid trains which can travel among cities, or it is better to put that money into renovating the present public transport. I believe these two points of view have pros and cons, but building new railways is of higher necessity, and can be more beneficial. In this essay, I’m going to discuss both aspects deeply.
Multinational corporations are capturing markets in developing countries. This development can lead to positive repercussions, such as higher employment levels and economic growth, while taking down small local businesses and market dominance would be a big disadvantage.
It is argued that primary school children's syllabus should include a foreign language subject. I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages if properly implemented.
Nowadays, advances in different aspects of technology such as communication and transportation have made it possible for humanity to choose where to live and work. In my opinion, these changes have a positive impact on society as it makes humans feel the owners of their own destiny and future.
It is generally accepted among some folks that peer pressure in youngsters is salient whereas some believe that it has recognizable demerits. In my opinion, its’ merits outweigh the downfalls, due to a number of factors which will be illustrated in the upcoming paragraphs.
I agonised about two questions. First, why is education unequal to students all over the country? Second, why is the Korean government not protecting teachers from infringement of teaching rights?
In our world, there are a lot of good and problem things. These things affect our lives. TV sets are one of these things. particularly teenagers, are spending the majority of their leisure hours stuck to the TV, while some families are trying to actively engage them in after-school activities. This essay agrees that television is beneficial. This essay will argue both points of view.
Nowadays there has been fierce debate about whether a period of unpaid work needs to be made compulsory for young people after they enter society, with some arguing that this should be the case. I agree with the idea and believe that the merits this decision can bring to society outweigh its potential damage to individuals.
People around the world are fond of keeping pets as companions. Especially dogs and cats. However, there are advantages and disadvantages of pet ownership both for the animal and the community.
Nowadays, some students after graduating from high school tend to have a gap year before joining the university to do some jobs or explore new places.In my opinion, while this trend may bring some drawbacks, I would argue they are overshadowed by the benefits.
The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has been under study for over five decades, has seen a significant surge in its application in the public sphere over the past decade. As AI continues to permeate our professional lives, it brings with it a host of advantages and disadvantages that are increasingly coming to light. While some champion the automation capabilities of AI, others express apprehension about its potential power.
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