IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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Is continued dependence on technology a positive development or are we justified in having reservations about its benefits? Our reliance on computer technology is steadily growing, with its applications extending to business, crime prevention, as well as air and land transportation. It is extremely probable that dependency on technology will become more and more popular and beneficial for many people.
Factories' movement to the suburbs is followed by politicians in some areas. The relocation has both positive and negative results, however, owing to having a healthy air it seems more The reason why moving professions in a margin of cities is detrimental is explained as follows.
In the world today, technology has changed almost everything like the way people do their jobs. Now, we can see that a lot of employees can work from home rather than going to offices at least part of the time. In this article, I will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of this new trend.
In the world today, technology has changed almost everything like the way people doing their jobs. Now, we can see that a lot of employees can work from home rather that going to offices at least part of the time. In this article, I will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of this new trend.
Advances in transportation networks and commodities transit systems globally allow people to have such diverse and varied food in their daily life. Global transport of edible products has several merits, yet there are numerous consequences, extremely concerning consumers from thoroughly following this trend.
These days television is a part of the young generation’s lives, and they spend lots of time watching different programs that they like. Some people think that TV has more pros than cons, but other people believe that the disadvantages of television are more than the advantages. In this essay I am going to discuss the positive and negative points of watching TV programs and show that the downsides/pitfalls outweigh the benefits.
In modern life, many people like to use e-books and depending on people’s preferences others are choosing physical books. In my opinion, I think that reading e-books might bring about major drawbacks for individuals and society.
Children are always learning from others. So, it is generally understood that a peer group plays a significant role in a child's attitude. However, not everyone agrees positively. This essay will discuss the benefits and shortcomings of this statement and explain why the former outweighs the latter.
There is a view that foreign languages should be taught to the children since they are six years old. While doing so might help them to use their brain learning functions at early stage and access to knowledge treasure of humankind, I believe that drawbacks are more significant.
In the past, knowledge was primarily confined to books. However, today's digital era has enabled everyone to acquire knowledge effortlessly. While this digital transition presents several drawbacks, I firmly believe they are outweighed by the advantages.
Nowadays it seems to be a common trend that people decide to get children at a later age than in the past. But is this advantageous?
The grown-ups nowadays have this decision as parents to get kids in their middle ages. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to having kids at older ages which will be discussed in the following paragraphs. As far as I am concerned the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
These days, youthful populations dominate in many countries around the world compared to older individuals. This phenomenon brings both pros and cons to society, however, I am convinced that its benefits outweigh its drawbacks. Hence, I will provide several justifications and concrete examples in this article to assess both assertions with my own perspective.
In today’s world, advancements in technology and transportation have made it increasingly feasible for both scientists and tourists to explore distant and untouched wilderness, including destinations like the South Pole. This development has sparked a debate about whether the advantages of such access outweigh the potential disadvantages.
Recently, many workplaces using open-space design instead of private rooms. Although open-space can boost productivity within workplaces, I believe that lack of privacy for workers will bring more drawbacks for each individual.
Many people have the expectations to remain in their job and company, whereas others prefer regularly moving to another job. In my opinion, I believe that both views have their own benefits and drawbacks.
It is true that peer pressure plays an essential role in the lives of adolescents. Some people harbour a belief that can generate some disadvantages to affect their behaviours. While I partially agree with this statement, it is also a controversial issue that deserves an in-depth discussion.
It is obvious that there is a shift in working patterns when people decide to employ themselves instead of working in a corporate environment. I will dive deeply into the reasons behind this trend and discuss some disadvantages along the way.
In recent times, society tends to choose self-employed because it is considered to bring more advantages. While there are various reasons, working for oneself has its own benefits and downsides.
Some nations’ populations now consist mostly of young adults. However, while there are some possible demerits, I believe that the pros still surpass the cons.
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