IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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According to the general saying and belief,"all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", working or travelling is a form of recreation and orientation.Young generations tend to enjoy exploring and embarking on an adventure including tourism therefore I will be discussing the merits and demerits of permitting them to explore their energy in working ànd traveling.The interval between graduating from college and securing admission into a tertiary institution is often a transitional period,most often adolescents are found in this category as it is known,àdolesence is a period of change from childhood to early adulthood which is often characterised by a change in behaviours, attitudes and beliefs,therefore they should never be left idle as an idle hand is the devil's workshop.
Nowadays many parents purchase a multitude of toys for their children to play with. This essay will demonstrate some benefits that toys can bring to kids' lives but will also show some drawbacks associated with this.
The usefulness of social networking on mental health. In this context, I will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the consequence of social networking on the wellness of man. And at the end of this, I would reach a reasonable conclusion analysing why social publishing creates awareness, serves as a medium of entertainment as well as a negative impact based on the abuse of social publishing.
Recently, many people prefer to be self-employed, rather than to be an employer. It has attracted numerous controversies and drawn the attention from the public. Some people think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages, while others do not think so. In my eyes, there are more disadvantages.
Cycling has always been an an eco mode of transport to get to places. However, not everyone is on board with the idea of getting to the destination using a bicycle. So why is this the case? In this essay, I am going to list the pros and cons of using the two-wheeler.
It is evident that the world economy has transformed over the past few decades by connecting worldwide countries through the flow of services, goods, and people which is called globalization. Despite the fact that globalization contributes to significant benefits such as growth of the economy, it also has negative effects that must not be overlooked.
Animals are used for medicines and for different experiments to test various types of drugs before use on human beings. Using animals for scientific research is very beneficial but it is also a very cruel and unethical procedure. In my opinion, using animals for scientific research is not good and we should focus on some alternatives that can serve the purpose.
Happiness is a much sought-after emotion and some people claim that being wealthy is the best way to achieve enjoyment. Although I would agree that money certainly contributes to pleasure, I think true jubilation can be found elsewhere.
As someone with a diverse range of experience in customer service, management, banking, and veterinary medicine, I believe I have the skills and perspective necessary to support NC State University's goals.
To begin, nowadays in some countries, more adults tend to live with their parents even after graduation or finding a suitable job. According to my point of view, I believe that the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantage due to various reasons.
Nowadays, in most countries individuals choose to rent apartments instead of buying them. There are some benefits as well as drawbacks. So, in this essay I will further explore this thought-provoking question.
In the fast-paced world, speaking more than 1 language is a great skill. The current globalized world, creates more opportunities for interacting the people outside of the living country. I personally believe that in other countries language learning in primary school are advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Many companies believe that healthy employees work more effectively at work and to promote the trend employers have started providing gym memberships and other sports clubs card. While others argue against the statement by saying this will make them more tired and less interested whilst at work. We shall discuss both of the points of view in the below paragraphs.
In today's era, we live in a world of huge demands from the ever-expanding population. These demands for resources are usually met by fossil fuels. It is claimed that almost for everything, like producing electricity, powering industry and fueling transportation, we need fossil fuels but we will soon reach a point where these reserves for fossil fuels will end. This brings us to understand and value its significance today. This essay will help to establish some of the conservation factors and also suggest some alternatives.
In recent times, around the globe, youngsters are motivated for about a moment to work or travel between finishing secondary faculty and proceeding to tertiary institutions for studies. The merits of this development are, it makes them learn a skill and prevents boredom, while the drawback is that results in involvement in crime and low academic grades. This essay will explain the advantages and disadvantages and a logical conclusion will be drawn.
A present, parental figure frequently accommodates children with everything they demand and too personal freedom. This essay attempts to shed light on the negative influence before outlining the long-term repercussions of this child-rearing practice.
It is believed that in the upcoming days there would be no longer a necessity for drivers due to automatic vehicles , only the travellers who want to go somewhere will need to sit inside the bus. While, saving time is the primary benefit. Whereas, the concerning drawbacks are reduced employment for drivers and chances of accidents which outweigh the advantages.
Technological inventions have transformed the execution of household chores. Earlier every task like cleaning, washing clothes and utensils were performed by hand; however, now there are machines for everything. In my opinion, these types of equipment have surely benefited society as they save a lot of time, considering how busy people are today.
In recent times, tourism has increased, in places that are not suitable for human beings such as scorching hot deserts and chilly southern polar places. Although is helpful for scientists to discover new areas and gain new experiences, it may be harmful to their life due to unknown threats in addition to that, wild creatures might be impacted.
Nowadays, many countries support youngsters to take a job or go on vacation for a gap year between completing high school and entering a higher institution. This essay will discuss the drawbacks and benefits of this development.
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