IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In recent years , in some ,cultures children want to be independent and they think if they work hard they can achieve what they want . In this ,essay I will discuss the benefit and drawbacks of this situation .
There is no doubt that these days , more and more people became a famous because of an increase number of TV show or the spread of using social media among individuals . The question is , what are the positive and negative sides of becoming known person ¿ In this essay , I am going to explain both sides and draw my conclusion.
Nowadays, it is an increasing number of young adults rather than older people in some countries. In this essay, I will examine why the benefits of having young adults overshadow the potential drawbacks.
In our fast-paced world, some people consider that students need to be volunteers in their spare time. However, others, including me, reckon that it is not a true way for learners to do unpaid work. This essay will give some data about why the government does not have to force them to help the local community.
Certain experts think that it is wise for juveniles to start learning new languages earlier rather than in secondary school. In this essay, I will explain why the advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages.
It is believed by many people, that the top priority while designing the building; function of it should be the main priority. In my opinion function of the building and design should be considered at the same level.
The same age group of youngsters is impacting other young adults' behaviour and conditions. In my opinion, there are numerous demerits of peering pressure. I will discuss the merits and demerits of peering pressure influence in the impending paragraphs.
It is quite common these days that the spectacle spreading of social media. It is my belief that the positive effects of this phenomenon could certainly outweigh its disadvantages.
In the current era, there are increasingly people deciding to be self-employed instead of working at some corporations. This trend is influenced by diverse considerations, especially the greater flexibility owned by freelance working mode. However, self-worker also faces potential risks, such as unstable income. This essay aims to discuss the causes behind this situation while also sharing my concerns about self-employers.
Nowadays, certain folks prefer to have babies when they are more advanced in age. This will enable them to plan and have adequate savings and be mentally fit to cater for their youngsters when they eventually arrive. Although, there are some setbacks related to late conceptions, The advent of technology like in vitro fertilization and the use of hormonal therapy to delay menopause has improved the chances of having kids in older age.
In recent years, there has been a growing belief that genetically modified (GM) crops can alleviate food grain scarcity in developing nations, driven by their potential to increase production. This approach has both advantages and disadvantages.
With the advent of genetically modified foods, the productivity of grains has greatly improved. While bioengineered foods ease the food shortage issues in some regions, it also brings some adverse impacts on human beings, such as causing allergies to some specific groups of people. This essay aims to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of using genetically engineered crops.
Due to lots of challenges parents face in the upbringing of their children, it has made the majority take the decision on starting a family in old age.This decision will make them to be financially capable for the children even before they were born. although, waiting for so long can make the female parent attain menopause unknowingly. This will be expatriates in the essay.
In recent times, some individuals are more likely to start having children when they are much older. Even though spending moments together as a couple is a vital part of building relationships, it is more important to meet one's overall set goals rather than having private time alone. In the long run, goal achievement will eventually include success in most of the basic aspects of life.
In this present world, some individuals prefer to give birth  at an advanced as this will enable them to be financially and psychologically prepared to train their kids although procreation at old age comes with pregnancy complications. The merits outweigh the demerits as health-related issues can be prevented and controlled with advanced medical services, but the burden of parenting when one is not ready cannot be underrated. This essay will expatiate more on these points with relevant examples and give a conclusion.
Nowadays there are more people choosing places with harsh environments as their holiday destinations. Even though there are benefits involved in visiting such places, the drawbacks are by no means negligible.
Utilizing cellphone applications for the purpose of going through a financial transaction or making a purchase is increasingly gaining momentum worldwide. This recent trend presents both opportunities and challenges. From my perspective, the risks imposed by this trend make its positive contributions fade in comparison.
Nowadays, the internet plays a crucial role in everyone's life.It is believed that browsing has replaced the old methods of reading as a way of collecting data.This essay will discuss how the merits outweigh the demerits.
Nowadays, there is a trend that some countries support adolescents to take a one-gap period to work or travel during the period between high school graduation and starting university study. This trend would create certain benefits but there will also be some drawbacks.
Honesty and truthfulness are essential values that form the foundation of any relationship between people. While some individuals argue that always telling the truth is the most important consideration, others contend that there may be exceptions where withholding the truth may be necessary. I partially agree with this and in this essay, I will discuss the importance of truthfulness in any relationship while exploring situations where it may be necessary to withhold or delay the truth.
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