IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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In society today, there is the development of technology such as vehicles, communication tools and electronic devices. Moreover, there is also a production of media that can attract people's attention. When we talk about children's television viewing nowadays, more are watched than in the past and that is true because there are many reasons such as the development of knowledge and the advancement of technology.However,there are also some disadvantages to watching television.In the following paragraph,both views on this topic will be discussed in detail.
At present times, some individuals prefer to live in a residence than an abode. In this ,essay I'll give you some details about both advantages and disadvantages of this.
Nowadays, as technology is growing rapidly, many easy works are calculated and done by the automatic program, and those labors who are doing repeatable things are gradually replaced by the machines. People hold different opinions on it, some are worrying about the future challenges provided by the machines ,meanwhile some are so into this unstoppable change.
The world comprises many societies with different cultures. One of the popular beliefs in some cultures is that youngsters can achieve whatever they want if they make a lot of effort, which has pros and cons.
No doubt, television is a good source of entertainment, especially for children. Everyone can spend time watching television. There is a number of advantages and disadvantages of watching television for juveniles. Which will be elaborated in the subsequent paragraphs.
No doubt , it is a true fact that the number of adults individual love to live with their parents after finishing their high study and having work as they want to spend more time with them .Nonetheless, sometimes they depend upon their guides which is very hard to ignore. From my viewpoint the merits are more than demerits and in this essay ,I will briefly explain it in further paragraphs.
Nowadays, societies have their personal laptop and cellphone, so it is flexible for them to work from home. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of doing a job at home and state why I personally believe that working from home has more advantages than disadvantages.
There are experts who believe that it is beneficial for young students to learn a foreign language in the early stage of their studies. Although there are disadvantages involved in this suggestion, I believe that the advantages outweigh the downsides.
It is becoming increasingly common for people to have children at older ages. They postpone it because they do not feel ready to take care of their children. In this essay, I will examine why the benefits of having children in old age overshadow the potential drawbacks.
A plethora of communities nowadays have become addicted to drinks which are mixed with sugar content and this has become a mandatory habit followed
Nowadays, the most crucial aspect of human life is education. Therefore, some students leave their homelands to study overseas to gain a better education. I believe that studying abroad can bring drawbacks and benefits to student life.
Some people choose to live abroad by leaving their native countries nowadays. It can give great life experience by gaining relationships in order helps them to achieve their goals. However, they also have to struggle with the new conditions, as one of the disadvantages.
In some traditions,the younger generations are always told that they can get whatever they desire if they put in their very best.Although this encourages the young ones to put in their very best in whatever they do so they can succeed but it can also be very stressful for them.This essay will explain these points with relevant examples and a logical conclusion.
The advent of technological enhancements has spiralled over a few years in such a way that everything is available online. Many books which contained useful information for the development of the world were transported from local books to the Internet which in turn became reachable to every person irrespective of their location. This transition has many benefits compared to drawbacks and the following statements will brief some of them in detail.
Obtaining popularity using media sources is one of the most conspicuous trends in today's world. Either it can be achieved by creating a youtube channel or appearing on television shows. As such, there are both merits and demerits to this widespread trend. This essay will further analyse the advantages and disadvantages that arise due to such a trend and present a reasoned conclusion.
In recent years , in some ,cultures children want to be independent and they think if they work hard they can achieve what they want . In this ,essay I will discuss the benefit and drawbacks of this situation .
There is no doubt that these days , more and more people became a famous because of an increase number of TV show or the spread of using social media among individuals . The question is , what are the positive and negative sides of becoming known person ¿ In this essay , I am going to explain both sides and draw my conclusion.
Nowadays, it is an increasing number of young adults rather than older people in some countries. In this essay, I will examine why the benefits of having young adults overshadow the potential drawbacks.
In our fast-paced world, some people consider that students need to be volunteers in their spare time. However, others, including me, reckon that it is not a true way for learners to do unpaid work. This essay will give some data about why the government does not have to force them to help the local community.
Certain experts think that it is wise for juveniles to start learning new languages earlier rather than in secondary school. In this essay, I will explain why the advantages of this approach outweigh the disadvantages.
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