IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6.5

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It is believed by some studies that individual personality was affected by characteristics of the golden age period, others think that experienced did. I certainly believe that our life experience is the main factor which is considered can change someone's personality. Thus, this essay will elaborate more on this view below.
Nowadays, the majority of students decide to have a gap year after finishing their high school. During this year they can work in order to earn money and pay for their tuition fees, travel for expanding their outlook and do other activities. This kind of practice has not only advantages but also some disadvantages, too.
Presently a number of people prefer to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organization. A lot of people feel they will earn more when they are their own boss. One demerit of self-employment is the high level of stress.
It is quite common these days for using social networking applications in many countries to change the life of people. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend.
The decision to be self-employed or work for a company or institution is a significant one, and it has its advantages and disadvantages. In this response, I will discuss both approaches and offer my opinion on which is a better approach.
No doubt , nowadays everyone loves to use social media to earn money and popularity in this world .Nevertheless,due to spam and make distance for parents , it very hand to ignore the demirts of this statement. In this essay i will expalin the pros and cons of using internet in their daily routine
Learning is getting increasingly influenced by technology. This trend can result in easy accessibility to greater knowledge and freedom to study anytime; however, Technologies can not understand the dynamic conditions of a student or a classroom and students can be misguided.
It has become a popular trend that children are encouraged to learn another language at their early age while some argue s that learning a foreign language at the secondary level has more benefits than at the primary level. I will discuss both advantages and disadvantages as well as compare them with feasible reasons before coming to a final conclusion.
The requirements of occupation made businessmen occasionally travel abroad. They, along with travellers, have the opportunity to get in touch with cultures all over the world. This provides them various benefits, as well as a certain number of risks.
In the modern world, it is easier than ever to come to other countries to travel and for work purposes. It may bring a lot more benefits for both businesses and foreigners, but experiencing different cultures in a short time could also face some issues. This essay will discuss this problem.
Telecommuting has become a prevalent trend nowadays. The establishments provide employees with computers and internet connections to work from home. In this essay, I will outline what I consider to be potential advantages of this practice, as well as some of the adverse outcomes that I feel are likely to occur.
In this contemporary era, many offspring are motivated by their guardians to do part-time jobs so that they can be self-reliant and learn new things. In this essay, we will elucidate the advantages and disadvantages of this development.
It is now becoming a norm for a significant number of people to venture into entrepreneurship rather than working in multi-owned trade sectors. This could be attributed to individuals seeking independence and having a reliable source of income which in the long run could be affected by risk-taking and managerial skills.
It is true that in some countries the percentage of the young generation is more than the older generation these days. And there are some advantages and disadvantages in this situation.
There is a common belief that the works of citizens are beneficial to society in different aspects, Comparison in the contribution of artists and scientists will be made in the following essay.
We are living in a comfortable world thanks a large part to technology. It cannot be denied that many traditional ways of study such as books and other printed materials have been replaced by digital devices for the good sake of students. In this essay, I will outline what I consider to be the advantages and negative consequences of such development.
In recent decades, the question of whether the government should pay for children has been receiving a great deal of public attention. Although this assistance is not without disadvantages, the upsides will be far more significant.
The meaning of a gap year doesn't exist in every country. There are several countries where young men have military duty if they don't start university education after school, where the length of military service varies from country to country. But let's skip this point. Taking a gap year before starting university has both advantages and disadvantages. From my point of view, every person should clearly understand for which purposes they will take a gap year. In the following essay, I will discuss this idea further.
The importance of visiting different countries for the purpose of education through international student exchange, which was always debatable, has now become more controversial. The substantial influence of studying at a foreign university has sparked controversy over the potential impact of this trend on people over the years. I agree that the global study exchange for youngsters has certain advantages, however, there are a plethora of disadvantages as well. This essay will elaborate on the pros and cons of visiting foreign countries as a young student and thus will lead to a logical conclusion.
A year is encouraged by some nations for their high school leavers to gather employment experience or relocate to another place. The merits and demerits of this venture shall be discussed in this essay.
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