IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In this contemporary era, cheerfulness is considered an important part of life.Because of many challenges in today's life, communities are becoming unhappy.This essay will discuss more in the upcoming paragraphs.
Nowadays, it is observed that in many cultures, youngsters are being encouraged that they can reach everything through hard work. However, this trend has benefits and drawbacks. In this essay, I will discuss both sides and try to draw some conclusions.
While some people think experiencing multiple works to find a nice job there is the best way,other experts and the public believe it is not a good choice for them because they should spend more time and money to find a good career.Let me discuss my opinion in the following paragraphs.
It is been argued about the benefits and drawbacks of having a connection with employers all the time during the day and week. In my opinion, this option has more disadvantages than advantages.
In today’s society, people have different views on work. One of the most disagreements is that someone concentrates on applying for a permanent job for the same company, whereas others favour switching work frequently. In this essay, I am going to show the merits and drawbacks of each opinion
These days, businesses and industries are few countries, authorities are motivated the public to build it in regional place from the city centre. I believe that there are multiple cons than pros. This essay intends to describe merits and demerits in an ensuing paragraph.
In modern days, the cities are getting bigger, eventually making the apartment smaller, which has raised the question among detractors whether it's advantageous for an adult to continue living with their parents or not. However, in my opinion, living together with family is beneficial even though it comes with some drawbacks.
Finding a job or visiting new places became a new trend among young people in different countries for a timespan before studying at university. This timespan is called a "gap year" which can give an understanding of future plans for a person, on the other hand, it has some drawbacks.
People often migrate to a different region to seek their further studies or job. Though there is no denying fact that the phenomenon of settling down in a place which is far away from their birthplace or where they grew up is ubiquitous worldwide due to its significance. This phenomenon has more advantages than drawbacks though the negatives of the same can not be overlooked and my arguments will be discussed in the ensuing paragraph.
In some countries, parents tell their children that with a hard-working attitude, they will be able to achieve all their goals. In this essay, I am going to examine the merits and demerits of this statement and then express my opinion about it.
It is true that there is an increasing number of tourist agencies in numerous developed nations. In my experience, the phenomenon is happening due to many reasons, and there are numerous benefits as a result of it.
Annually, an Influx of travellers is spotted at airports, to spend their vacations abroad, without thinking about the toll that it is taking on the environment or their banks. This essay will argue that the disadvantages of international travel far outweigh the advantage it gives to a small flock of people. Firstly, by demonstrating the drastic toll a flight has on our planet and secondly, by how flying is only accessible to an elite club. On the contrary, its advantages are only limited to each individual's personal development.
In society, the home is the first place for the individual to do interaction. Some people view that the relationship between family members is not really engaged. In this essay, I would like to explain some reasons with some positive and negative impacts.
It is true that in some societies there has been a motto that children can reach anything if they work hard. While this stereotype has its drawbacks, the benefits of this cliché are outweighed the negative aspects.
In today's world, the rapid increase of fast food helps people to cope with their day-to-day activities. I would be discussing both merits and demerits, which would be followed by relative examples.
In the new millennium, because of the advancement in education, a great number of young people’s preference is studying. Some students and pupils prefer to continue their education in other countries; therefore, they immigrate to foreign countries; from my standpoint, this issue has both benefits and drawbacks.
Nowadays, as various industries have been developing dramatically in urban areas the concerns about the matters created by them in megapolitan regions are becoming bigger and bigger while their relocation of them is being widely witnessed by authorities. In this essay, I shall discuss why I believe the benefits of transforming them into the countryside surpass the negative aspects.
Nowadays, playing sport or doing exercises has numerous benefits to the crowd's health. Many individuals are living in urban areas so they cannot enough doing exercise because of the working conditions. In my everyday experience and observation is that this case has been affected directly by societies and also I will discuss this idea in the following paragraphs.
In recent years, advancement in technology has played an important role in our life. Some think that it is a beneficial change for humans whereas others maintain that around the world should not ignore its downsides. This essay will discuss the former and latter in detail by taking the examples and showing actual information.
Online purchase modes have been well-developed in recent years. Some populations believe this shopping pattern is much more beneficial than visiting reality shops. Personally, I agree with this notion, and the reasons will be explained in the forthcoming paragraphs.
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