IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Most individuals who select to work on their own employment insist work for corporations. In fact, people who work in their own business might gain more incoming and have more benefits. In contrast, it is likely due to a lack of constant salary in a financial crisis, the risk of unemployment would be increased. In this essay, a clear analysis of the disadvantage of this will be explained and why this will occur is due to mention.
In the contemporary epoch, There is irrefutable debate among folk about the interest of pupils to study in other states compared to the past. In my perspective, the benefits of doing this are more than the flaws. In this essay, I am going to examine both edges in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Leisure activities are essential to create a balance in life, however, numerous people ignore them to, instead, work and earn extra money. Although their choice might indeed provide them with more pay and better opportunities for future careers, it does stress them and may even lead them to be depressed. Hence, in my opinion, this situation might have greater demerits than merits as those times should not be avoided for any reason, because generally being a psychologically healthy person is the most important feature to proceed in life.
In recent years, a countless number the communities have opined that a freelance job is hugely better than an organization. However, there are various reasons behind this phenomenon. At the same time, I would debate the cause of this event which has expanded tremendously in society. Then, I will present my attitude.
Nowadays, lots of people are dedicated to their dressing sense. While various firms and companies are going to start dress codes for their employees. This essay will argue their pros and cons in the forthcoming paragraphs with some professions in which dedicated dress should be followed.
Today, the trend of nuclear families get more popularity instead of extended families. While having a small household can be constructive in certain ways including financial security and access to quality education besides it there are some significant drawbacks.
It has long been my belief that nowadays computers have become one of the most important things in many people’s lives. Furthermore, many people gained benefits from this improvement as well as the disadvantages at the same time. More fraud comes to hacking the data based on computers that are hidden in some files containing a virus.
Communication become an indispensable part of humans. However, in many offices communication through online mode is more trending in comparison to offline meetings which are done face to face. The merits of such a phenomenon far outweigh the demerits. In the following essay, I will elaborate on why is this?
In this modern era, travelling to exotic destinations where difficult conditions are seen is a growing trend among people all around the world. Certain advantages and drawbacks immediately spring to mind when considering this tendency and my essay aims to shed light on them.
Nowadays, increasingly more tourists visit areas with hostile conditions. In this essay, I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of travelling to such remote places.
In this fast-paced life, people prefer to have children later in their life. It has been argued by many whether this is a positive step or not. I, personally think it has more demerits as it increases stress and anxiety and also leads to many health problems. This essay will discuss both sides and further state a strong reason why the negatives outweigh the positives.
Visual media plays a pivotal role in bringing a sense of leisure into everyone's life. There are many people who prefer to watch movies and programmes alone. It has been argued whether this has a positive impact or not. I, personally think it has more demerits in comparison to merits and this essay will show some relevant issues related to the topic.
while some adopt the view that using automation in school and university is necessary for children other people are against this statement.I will discuss both sides of the essay before my point is drawn at the end.
In old times, locally-grown groceries were the only choice of humans, whereas people can purchase any food they desire from all over the planet these days. I believe the positive sides of this trend surpass the negative ones and I will analyze both views and conclude my opinion in the following paragraphs.
Nowadays, in some nations, the ratio of adults to aged people is seemed to be relatively more. One of the most heated debates is whether this trend is beneficial. For my part, despite some drawbacks related to this phenomenon in the short term, there are actually more benefits to be gained from this in the long term.
Rather than seeking a job, more individuals choose to start their own businesses than before. In my opinion, the advancement of technology and the change of thoughts could be two main reasons for that, although this might assert adverse impacts to a certain extent.
In today’s world, there is a tendency for many foreigners to visit economically growing nations. While conservative social groups believe that this negatively impacts the national and cultural identities of these countries, it is evident that these countries benefit more from this. This essay will discuss how global tourism is advantageous to developing regions.
With the blessings of ,technologies life has become more dynamic and easier. Over the years, people are utilizing various home appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, ovens, television and so on to smoothen daily activities. It is obviously a positive enhancement towards life. I will discuss both positive and negative aspects.
Distance learning programs became much more common along with improvements in technology. Some are of the opinion that such remote schooling courses are highly beneficial while others claim that they are poorer alternatives to class-based teaching. I will discuss not only the merits but also the demerits of online education in the following paragraphs.
Nobody is a stranger to the fact that increasing numbers of men and women are choosing precooked food rather than freshly made ones. In my opinion, there are both pros and cons in equal measure to this contention.
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