IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In this contemporary era, the hitches allied to social media are mounting dangerously. controversy exists as to whether social media should be used in order to be in touch with friends and family as well as to be updated with current affairs is beneficial or is an impediment. Although using these applications might have some adverse ramifications, I believe the upside of this trend far outweighs the downside.
The trend of studying in a foreign country is increasing recently. While there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with this topic, the positive aspects will take precedence over the drawbacks.
In recent times, the connection among almost all countries on this earth has improved swiftly, which became possible by way of air travel and telecommunication. Although this trend has certain drawbacks, I believe the advantages are more significant, which are highlighted in the following paragraphs.
Among certain demographic societies, youth are often taught that if they worked hard, they would succeed in anything. There are some positive aspects to this notion, such as improving their patience, yet there are also negative points to this view like they might be depressed if they failed. In this regard, this article will discuss the pros and cons of working hard.
In many countries, with the increasing use of mobile ,phones people can pay for things whatever they want in applications. This development supports facilitating human lives. but these applications may be detrimental because, while individuals pay for things using the apps, the payment can be stolen by hackers.I think ,although there are negative sides, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks. Both of these viewpoints will be outlined in detail before concluding.
Nowadays, a growing number of people, especially young adults, find it attractive to spend an extended period of time overseas either for a better career opportunity or further education. However, there are both pros and cons to deciding to do this.
Nowadays, a growing number of people, especially young adults, find it attractive to spend an extended period of time overseas either to take a year out to live or to study. However, there are both pros and cons to deciding to do this.
At the present time, some think that history is the most important subject that is taught at schools and others reckon that science and technology are more important. In my opinion, science and technology should be the priority to teach at educational institutions. In this essay, both views and the main reason for my view will be discussed.
Nowadays, communities have become more and more materialistic; this new culture significantly impacts economic growth, innovations, and discoveries. But, if we look closely at this trend, we will see the serious environmental and health problems it can cause. Hence, I believe that the perks of consumer goods do not outweigh their detriments.
Some companies expect their workers to stay connected at home and to be on call at all hours of the day. I would argue that the drawbacks of staying to keep in touch with work outweigh the benefits.
In this contemporary era, the number of pupils who tend to study has been ascending drastically. In some ,nations pupils possess the right to persuade their school in all courses, while In other regions, they have to choose a particular topic and continue it until the end of their studies. Undoubtedly, they offer a host of favourable features and it depends on, the characters and their aims. Both attitudes are elaborated on in my essay.
In this contemporary era, a group of people usually have children lately than it was before. Although it might be a reason for the increasing number of divorces, I think the upside of this trend will outweigh the downside Since it would provide the chance to be established in life as well as to focus on their Careers.
With the advent of science and technology, nuclear power has unquestionably helped humankind as a source of energy, and in medical treatments. Also, it has enabled governments to enrich their military capability to the extent, that it could destroy the entire globe. In this essay, I am going to delve into the benefits, and risks associated with it, and my view on probable solutions for those.
In the contemporary world, there is an increasing number of individuals who are relocating from their hometowns. I would say that this is a negative trend. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support.
It is evident that labourers are more likely to travel to new places due to jobs’ benefits recently. Although this trend may cause some potential demerits, I believe that the merits are more remarkable.
Some countries greatly value their parenting and teaching moral lessons to their children. Though in a common belief in many cultures, children are encouraged to put in extra effort in order to achieve their desires. Although this could bring some advantages to society, there are some undeniable disadvantages too.
Technology has increased dramatically in recent years. A number of folks think that with the advancement of technology people can use it to communicate around the earth. Generally, they believe that they can meet new folks with the help of the internet and share their opinions even though they can’t able to meet them live. This essay will discuss the merits and demerits of such behaviour.
People have different options regarding global speech.Tourism sectors contribute popularity of the English style around the globe.Many nations support using only one accent in the future,especially the English voice. This essay will examine the case of this action and the forthcoming paragraphs discussed both the benefits and the drawbacks.
Practical experience is essential for any student to be job-ready. Nowadays, many individuals prefer to get a job with an organization during their learning years without any pay. I believe the advantages of gaining real-world experience by working for a company are way more than the negatives of not getting paid during the initial years.
It has been pointed out that the number of individuals who are leaving the place where their family members and friends are living has increased dramatically. Personally, I opine that this trend brings tremendously health issues, which excesses the advantages in terms of widening their horizons.
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