IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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Nobody is a stranger to the fact that increasing numbers of men and women are choosing precooked food rather than freshly made ones. In my opinion, there are both pros and cons in equal measure to this contention.
Persons do their task maximum times and they leave their season at least for passing the free time. There are both advantages and disadvantages of this epidemic. From my perspective, there are more disadvantages compared to its advantages.
Nowadays a vast majority of educationalists consider that international exchange is a great advantage for adolescents while studying at school. They are convinced it is the best way to improve teenagers’ educational process. In my opinion, this approach is useful for children’s development. Nevertheless, it has some advantages and disadvantages.
Nowadays, megacities know colossal pressure specifically in the business world, which led the authorities to encourage the translation of industries and businesses from the urban to the rural areas. I believe that this trend would have many benefits but it certainly will not outweigh the drawbacks.
People are enticed to voyage to different countries these days as it is getting more and more cost-efficient. Moreover, countries tend to welcome tourists more than ever. In this essay, I will explore some obvious merits and drawbacks of this trend.
It is absolutely true to say that gadgets have revolutionized the way we are living especially in working areas. There are plenty of pros though I am in disagreement with the statement and think that drawbacks are still greater in the long term time.
To feed the growing population in a country, the government should put forward the availability of edible insects as a food source. Many think that eating beetle is not a good option for health and also harvesting them will have a threat to the nature.
In the modern world, it became common in a range of areas all over the world to use food additives for manufacturing and storing products. This essay will argue that the drawbacks of this practice outweigh the benefits. It will first demonstrate that chemical substances affect human physical and mental health, followed by the analysis of how the main advantages, namely, low expenses that are beneficial for business and open access to food, are not valid.
It is widely held that as a result of information technology, a number of people are enabled to work outside their workplaces such as working from home or during a trip. In my opinion, although there are several drawbacks regarding a lack of socialization, the benefits in terms of time-saving outweigh the downsides.
In my opinion, mobile technology has boosted people’s capacity to develop their work in many situations and places where it was not possible before. In addition, this definitely brought a large list of advantages that greatly outweigh the possible problems that this innovation could present.
It is considered by certain employers that their employees should be able to contact whenever they need, including on holiday. In my opinion, although this will be beneficial in case of an emergency, there are more drawbacks than benefits since it invades the privacy of their staff and could lead to mental issues.
Over recent years, there have been new changes in job patterns in the modern community and today, many people earn money via the internet from home. In my essay, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages associated with this trend. Firstly, I will explore how our money and time can be saved by working online and secondly, I will share the disadvantages of this trend.
The major parents in the world wish all excellent things and high opportunities to their offspring and try to explain that the value could be reached only by hard manner of the behaviour. There are pros and cons of this statement and I am going to discuss them in this essay.
One of the most conspicuous trends of today,s world is the colossal upsurge in the number of people who believe that nowadays, lifestyle is changing drastically and adversely affect on the family relationships. Here, in this essay, I will discuss the negative impacts of this trendy behaviour.
Technology has become one of the fundamental elements in our daily lives, there is no doubt that we cannot live without technical assistance. It is generally believed that computers can help rising our living standard, while others advocate that our lives can be destroyed by AI or robots if we heavily rely on them. In This essay, firstly, we will examine some of the benefits of technology, and in the latter half, a few negative aspects will be explored.
Nowadays the number of people around the world is increasing day by day. It has been seen that the young generation is larger than the senior nation. In my opinion, the benefits of this scheme exceed the drawbacks.
It is undeniable that the cheaper price of international fights is caused by increasing tourists in many countries around the world. This is the advantage of development. In this essay, I will examine the reason why this is the case, and the following examples will be provided to support my point of view.
It is generally accepted that putting in a large effort can lead to success in many cultures. Even though this message can motivate kids to reach their goals, it does not provide children with the knowledge of the opposite possibilities. Thus, this essay will elaborate on the benefits and the drawbacks of delivering this statement to youngsters.
Certain individuals would rather pay for accommodation than own one in some part of the world. There are some advantages to this and also some demerits which will be further discussed below.
Nowadays, the young generation is more eager towards working opportunities and have some field in partnership with friends. Some people's opinion about this is that doing a business with a family member is a good idea. This trend has its own merits and demerits. In this essay, I have shed some light on the benefits and drawbacks of family-run work.
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