IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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It is clear that many students have been working at the organization without getting salaries as part of their education. Nevertheless working as internships for students have some drawbacks, I believe that the advantages are more significant.
It has been pointed out that local food used to be eaten by local residents, while every single person tries to consume a great deal of foodstuff which is imported from other foreign countries nowadays. Personally, I opine that this trend is extremely detrimental to our environmental protection, which surpluses the advantage in terms of people's health.
There is no denying the fact that the phenomenon of the plethora of toys to play with is ubiquitous across the globe due to its paramount importance. One school of thought opine that it is worthless,however, others consider that a couple of problems also occur because of the excessive amount of toys a child can have. Although this has plenty of merits yet numerous demerits are also there which will be elaborated on in the following paragraphs.
It is true that the rocketing volume of people that prefer to go shopping online has occurred in recent times . II will shed some light on both benefits and drawbacks of this issue relative to customers and producers.
The advancement in technology dramatically changed the living standard of human beings to the extent that we cannot survive without the internet even for a second. Even though there are many beneficial effects of this, there are some downsides also which are worth considering.
In the last decades, the urbanization of many cities of the world has become prevalent, destroying rural areas full of natural beauty. In this essay, I will highlight some of the principal advantages of preserving them as well suggesting solutions to solve this issue.
The tendency toward smaller families has skyrocketed all around the universe owing to the positive footprints that it can bestow to both people and ultimately the ecosystem.Although its dire consequences should not be ignored.However,various aspects are uttered here.
It is evident that wearing a uniform in companies and organizations has many benefits for some purposes and jobs however I still believe it seems to be reluctant for people to some extent.
In recent decades, there is higher population growth in many countries across the world. The more people were born, the more accommodations are built. a lot of new constructions are happening all the time with newly designed buildings,which an ambiguous regulation of new constructions in many countries might not alleviate this problem.
In recent times, the cost of visiting a foreign country has been decreasing and many nations have relaxed their visa norms to invite a greater number of visitors. I believe this trend is more advantageous and international travel is supposed to further grow in the coming times.
In recent years, shopping platform has changed from offline becoming more online platform with regard to the marketplace. However, the old market platform referred to all physical markets is still available in many areas of countries. In my opinion, many benefits significantly outweigh the drawbacks with regard to this transformation.
In this present scenario, The number of people increases on an everyday basis in a few nations.Such as adults and older people.However , youngsters are inclined to large quantities rather than old ones. I will discuss both views in the upcoming paragraphs and I agree with the notion up to the certain extent
Travel enthusiasts are taking advantage of the opportunity to explore different countries because of low-cost expenses and the fact that numerous nations are welcoming massive numbers of tourists. I believe that the merits of an elevated number of tourists outweigh its drawbacks. I will explain my opinion in the ensuing paragraph.
Travel enthusiasts are taking advantage to explore different countries because of low-cost expenses, as well as numerous nations are giving opportunities in welcoming massive tourists. I believe that the merits of an elevated number of tourists outweigh its drawbacks. I will explain my opinion in the ensuing paragraph.
Travel enthusiasts are taking advantage to explore different countries because of low-cost expenses as well as numerous nations are giving opportunities in welcoming massive tourists. I do believe that the merits of an elevated number of tourists outweigh its drawbacks. I will explain my opinion in the ensuing paragraph.
It is believed that nowadays, there are more different sorts of social websites that are improving faster and faster such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. These apps are able to make a great chance to talk face to face in a daily routine. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks sides of technology.
The Internet plays a pivotal role in everyone's life. It has become a common trend in society to purchase different commodities online. Although the popularity of buying stuff online has many positive impacts we cannot neglect the negative which it offers too. This essay will take into consideration both points and will see whether it is advantageous or not.
Educational institutions vary in mode of operation. While some schools think it is more effective for students to have vast knowledge in a range of courses, others believe it is better to focus on limited subjects. This essay will provide the advantages of both systems of education and provide which is best.
In our modern times, communication plays an important role in the world because everyone has their social life. Some are of the view, that an international official language is unnecessary to use since it can create misunderstanding in their custom. From my point of view, the official language is the most essential for every activity. This essay will discuss both statements as follows.
It is a common trend in some countries that an increasing number of adults continue living with their mom and dad even after obtaining a degree and starting their careers. This essay will discuss disadvantages such as dependent will and loss of private life, and the advantages of financial support and required assistance for parents.
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