IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 8.5

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In modern, society an increasing number of the older population spent their retirement in homes for elderly people instead of being looked after by their families. In this essay, I will describe the pros and cons of this situation.
In today's nations, web-based shopping is causing a strong argument. Some people think that shopping online has a great number of benefits, while others think shopping through the internet has cons more than pros. This essay will argue the advantages of electronic shopping. I personally think that online shopping has greater advantages.
Some people believe that escaping from the media's influence on our life, has become very difficult. In this essay, I will discuss the received topic and give my personal opinion on this matter. Firstly, I will describe the advantages of being a part of a mass communication society and secondly I will write about the disadvantages of this situation.
It has been pointed out that the designs of offices have been changed, and open space has been taken over separate rooms in a massive proportion of organizations currently. Personally, I opine that this alternation brings out health benefits to employees, which surpasses the downside in terms of companies’ economy.
People who have computers and mobile phones are indeed able to work from home. While there is benefit from working at home, I would argue that disadvantages outweigh these.
In our society, people face peer pressure which means that children are influenced by their friends, who are of the same ages. Generally, it has both positive points and negative aspects simultaneously, while I believe that the advantages are more than drawbacks.
A lot of enterprises, as well as people, prefer to interact either in the profession or in their daily life utilising advanced contact channels despite having one on one conversations. Communicating by means of technology has aided in overcoming fear and also saves time but there will also be some drawbacks.
‏The idea of living in a large city is troublesome or comfortable has been a controversial issue for a long time for people. While a group of people believe that lifestyle in a big city is hard, the other group firmly argues that it can be easier. I will try analyze the pros and cons of this issue at length in the following paragraphs.
Recently, many public prefer to be self-employed, rather than working for industry or establishment. In my opinion, working environment and a scale of satisfaction possible the main reasons lead to it happened.
It is thought by some people that multitasking and shifting one job to another certainly aid value but there will also be some drawbacks. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of both perspectives.
In recent times, couples prefer having kids in the later stages of their lives. Although they might not obtain children support when they get old , they also gain benefits such as achieving the desired career and exploring the world. In my opinion, the population benefit largely from becoming parents in the older years despite the hardship they will face.
The demand for abroad trips on vacation is gradually increasing over the years. Many countries across the world are also willing to welcome more international tourists which there are a lot of facilities to encourage their visitors . For this essay, I will discuss the benefits and drawbacks with regard to international trips which the pros quite significantly outnumber the cons.
Thanks to developments in technology, international trips have been more popular, and the number of sightseers is rising. Although this trend has many merits, I believe that it has also some disadvantages.
These days, the number of tourists has dramatically increased compared to the past. In the following paragraphs, the reason why this indication happens and how it provides benefits to travellers will be discussed in detail before my conclusion is reached.
Nowadays, people are using more fossil fuels than ever before and now they are turning towards a new source of power "solar energy". Solar power plants provide electricity for a variety of purposes, which is for commercial, residential and production usage. While, it gives energy at a cheaper rate and are very easy to maintain, although the cost of installing the panels is quite high. I think it is necessary for human beings to go for other potential resources before fossil fuels run out.
Nowadays, students are having many opportunities on deciding a place for their education. Although in the past when teenagers did their university degree they preferred to do in their home country, but these days due to the available opportunities they graduate from universities abroad. In this essay, I will be discussing both the advantages and disadvantages of studying overseas.
In the contemporary world, employment from home has become quite a popular trend among the working population. Despite the fact that it is time-saving, employment from home can lead to chaos in the personal life of the employees. In my opinion , employing from home has more negative outcomes than positive ones.
In the contemporary era , the vast development of technology drastically changes the method used for shopping. the frequency of traditional shopping is gradually decreased while online purchasing is prevailing . This essay will discuss the benefits and shortcomings of buying goods via digital markets.
Choosing a residence to live in is a big and essential decision for everyone since there are numerous factors to reconsider. Some prefer to rent a room rather than own a dwelling, while others argue that buying a home is far more comfortable. From my perspective, I conceive that the demerits of being a tenant outweigh the merits.
It is undeniable that there are a lot of benefits of picking up languages at an early age, especially, learners can start studying the language at primary school instead of the secondary one. From my point of view, I reckon that the positive effects of this would outweigh the negative ones.
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