The education of children is in the center of a lot studies and theories. Surely in the past educators belived that punishment was the best way to teach children to behave well; at the present other theories are considered more effective for that purpose. Consider that usually kids and teenagers learn more with rewarding and praising. Especially babies and kids, can easly associate a specific behavior with a bonus or a praise. They are usually loking for the approval of their parents and for them is very importat to undestand that mum and dad appreciate them. There are evidences that the same process works better also for animals: dogs, i.e., are able to learn a big amount of things just with the prize mechanism than with punishment. The reason for that is evident: the good feelings that children feel when they recive the benevol attentions of their parents are enough for induce them to behave, also in the future, in the same way. Basically it is esier to learn something when the le...