One important stage in a child's growth is certainly the develope COnsclence, which is linked to the ability right from wronghis SKU WIn dme and good parénting andimy.fim.conviction is that punishmenrcoe ave.mucn ora role to play in this, Therefore l have to disagree almostenureyaw mes the given statemen o some extent the question' depends on the age of the child: TO punish a.yery young child is both Wróng and foolish, as an infant will not understandwnats nappening or why he or she is being punished Once the age of reason is reacneo however, a child can be rewarded. for good behaviour and discouraged trom baa his kind but firm approach will achieve more than barsh punishments which mignt entallmany negative consequences unintengedioy.une parenS To help a child lean the differénce between.right and wrongteachers and should firstly provide good rola modelling in their oOwn behayiourAfterthat it Sanctions are needed, the punishment should not be ofa physical natur...