The pie charts illustrate the average household energy consumed by Australians and the gas emissions generated by the usage of electronic furniture. From the data provided, we can conclude that almost every appliance has
The two pie charts illustrate energy consumption, and as a result, the greenhouse gas release in an average Australian household. Energy is mainly utilized in six distinct areas, namely heating, cooling, water heating, l
The first pie chart illustrates how much energy is used to each reason in Australian farm. The second pie chart gives information about greenhouse gassing because of this energy using.
The pie charts illustrate the average domestic energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in an Australian household. Energy is mainly utilized for heating, water heating, cooling, lighting, refrigeration, and other
The pie charts illustrate the average house keeping energy consumption and proportions of the earth heating gases of household appliences in Australia.
The first pie chart illustrates for what standard families in Australia are using energy in their homes and the second one gives information about the carbon emission resulting from it.
The first pie chart illustrates what an average Australian family used energy for, and the second pie chart indicates proportion of produced gas due to consumption of energy.
The two pie charts illustrate the energy consumption by several appliances that exist in houses in Australia and their percentages of greenhouse gas emissions.
The pie charts give information about how energy is used in the average Australian household and the consequences of their greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, the most energy that people use is heating which is 42%. Neve
The pie charts represents how energy is used and the greenhouse gas emissions which result from the energy use in an average Australian family, measured in per cent.
The given images depict the pie charts representing the trend in the occurrence of energy usage and emissions of greenhouse gases in households in Australia.
The study illustrates how the energy being used in the Australian household, which is divided into two charts. The first chart demonstrates how energy is used by his group of people in an average, and the second chart sh
The graph illustrates two pie charts, the one above shows the amount of energy used by a standard Australian family. Furthermore, the one below reveals the greenhouse gas emissions, which stem from this power use.