IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent times, social media is the biggest platform for communication. As it is becoming increasingly trending to share private data amongst every generation, whereas there are some consequences of sharing privacy on s
It is widely accepted that people nowadays spend a large amount of their leisure time on social media. Despite the fact that these platforms have changed our lives in many positive ways, they would undoubtedly have negat
These days usage of social networks has become a trend between every age group individuals, while posting private information on this sites will have many threats. In my opinion, there are more cons rather than advanta
Nowadays, almost everyone is on one social networking site or another. Some people believe that there are a few downsides to posting personal details on social networking platforms. In my opinion, this is true to a great
In modern times, there are many environmental issues that cannot be solved by a person or a single nation. In fact, it is a global problem. In my view, I completely agree that nations need to work together with each othe
In this modern-day, as our technology advances, there has been heated debate on whether those people exhibited personal details on online it will face a crisis of personal security problem. In my opinion,the drawback doe
In the era of globalization, the invention of the internet has revolutionized human interaction by introducing various social websites which are increasingly popular among all ages. In my opinion, there are positive and
These days, there has been a heated argument about the post of personal information on the internet..Some people believe that sharing any personal information on social media is really harmful regardless of your age whi
The popularity of social media is increasing among different age groups. People share their personal data on these websites which sometimes leads to misuse of this information. Though social networks help in developing
The popularity of social media is increasing among different age groups. People share their personal data on these websites which sometimes leads to misuse of such information. Though social media help in developing cult
In this technical world, individuals of every age are being active on social media throughout the day. But the argument arises that the information shared on such sites are not secure, and often get misused. I vehemently
As social media is a renowned platform between different age group persons, it has been argued by many individuals that circulation of private details on such platforms brings more risk. However, there are many merits as
In today's modernized era, the increment in the number of Social media platforms is the major concern across the areas. In each passing day, people do spend a lot of time while expressing with others. This interaction
In this modernized era, the increment in the number of Social media platform is the major concern across the areas. In each passing day, people spend a lot of time while expressing with other people. This interaction r
In this modernized era, the increment in the number of Social media platforms is the major concern across the areas. In each passing day, people spend a lot of time while expressing with others. This interaction really
It is irrefutable that social media flourishes tremendously in all age categories; nevertheless, it possesses some threats for users if personal information is shared on this giant online platform. It seems that there ar
Nowadays, numerous people hold that we can't leave social media because it exists in our daily life everywhere. However, some people have opposite views that they concerns more risks of personal information leaks caused
The use of social- networking sites has been so popular these days among all walks of life. There are some people who think that the trend of sharing private information would bring some repercussions to society. Howe
Nowadays, social media has been used by numerous people and the use of social media sites has been increasing rapidly over the past few years. Meanwhile, some people believe that it is dangerous to share personal informa
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